openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: 99Stack Cloud API version: "1.3" contact: name: 99Stack Cloud Support email: url: description: >- ## Introduction The 99Stack Cloud API is designed to provide you with a seamless, programmatic means of managing servers and resources within the 99Stack Cloud environment. Through conventional HTTP requests, you can execute a wide array of functionalities that you are already familiar with from the 99Stack Cloud control panel. In fact, all the features and capabilities that you have come to know within the 99Stack Cloud interface are also readily available within the API. This grants you the power to script intricate actions that may be necessitated by your specific circumstances. Whether it's provisioning servers, configuring settings, or managing your cloud infrastructure, the API offers a robust and flexible solution. To streamline your experience, we offer the option to download a file containing the API documentation. This file can be effortlessly imported into your preferred API request and development tool, such as Postman or Insomnia. This approach not only simplifies the integration process but also provides an effective way to conduct thorough testing before actual implementation. Delving deeper into the documentation, we begin with a comprehensive overview, shedding light on the underlying design principles and the technology stack that has been employed. This understanding lays a solid foundation for effectively utilizing the API to its fullest potential. Following this, you will find detailed reference information pertaining to specific endpoints. This includes precise details on how to structure requests, expected responses, and any additional parameters or options that may be applicable. This granular level of documentation ensures that you have all the necessary information at your fingertips to make the most of the API's capabilities. ## Using the api ### Response codes When you interact with the API, every response is accompanied by an HTTP status code. This code serves as a clear indicator of the status of your request. A response in the 2xx range signifies a successful operation. On the other hand, if you receive a response in the 4xx range, it signifies an error related to data input, access permissions, rate-limits, or potential software issues. If the response falls within the 5xx range, it suggests server-related errors or issues arising from external resources. Understanding these status codes allows for a more nuanced interpretation of the API's feedback, aiding in troubleshooting and ensuring a smoother interaction with the 99Stack Cloud services. | HTTP Response Code | Description | Note |---|---|---| | 200 | OK | Used in `GET` responses | | 201 | Created | Resource creation was successfull | | 202 | Accepted | Method executed successfully | | 204 | No Response| Resource was successfully removed | | 301 | Moved Permanently | Function is deprecated | | 400 | Bad Request | See response message for more details | | 401 | Unauthorized | Invalid auth token | | 402 | Payment required | Account balance is too low | | 403 | Forbidden | Method not allowed for authorized account | | 404 | Not Found | Resource does not exist, or is not available | | 405 | Method Not Allowed | Incorrect HTTP method, see response message for more details | | 429 | Too many requests | Rate limit was hit, try again in a few seconds| | 500 | Internal Server Error | Communication error in our system | | 501 | Not Implemented | Function does not exist, check spelling | | 502 | Bad Gateway | Failed to contact remote servers, or proxy error | | 503 | Service Unavailable | Maintenance in progress | | 504 | Gateway Timeout | Back-end servers was unable to handle your request | ### Rate limits The 99Stack Cloud API operates with stringent rate limits as a means to judiciously allocate available resources and maintain equitable usage for all users. Each limit is carefully established, taking into account various factors including security considerations and the objective of resource conservation. This approach ensures a balanced and efficient utilization of the API, promoting a seamless experience for every user. ### Timestamps Timestamps within the 99Stack Cloud API are formatted in accordance with the ISO-8601 standard, specifically as `YYYY-mm-dd\THH:ii:ss\Z`. By default, timestamps are presented in the `UTC+0000` timezone. In the 99Stack Cloud control panel, the timeago.js library is employed to display timestamps in the user's local time, ensuring a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. This feature allows users to seamlessly interpret and work with time-related information within the control panel interface. ### Examples Here are some examples that you can employ to test different API calls directly in your terminal using the `curl` command. Make sure to substitute variables written in all caps with your own specific data. `GET` request with no arguments: ```bash curl -X GET \ "" ``` `GET` request that requires your API token: ```bash curl -X GET \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \ "" ``` `POST` request containing a JSON request body: ```bash curl -X POST \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"name": "NEW_TOKEN_NAME"}' \ "" ``` `DELETE` request containing a JSON request body: ```bash curl -X DELETE \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"server_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"}' \ "" ``` # Authentication To authenticate any API request, ensure that the Authorization header is configured with a valid Bearer token. These tokens can be generated through the [control panel](, or by sending a valid request to [/account/login](/docs/v1.3/#operation/account-login). Once you've obtained the token, employ the following format: ```bash Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN ``` To verify the validity of your token, you can perform the following API call to `/account/info`. This will allow you to access and view your account information. ```bash curl -X GET \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \ "" ``` See supported token types below. termsOfService: license: name: MIT url: servers: - url: variables: {} description: Global paths: /account/token_list: get: tags: - Token summary: List auth token description: This endpoint provides a comprehensive list of all the authentication tokens currently available on your account. This allows you to easily manage and monitor access credentials associated with your account. operationId: token-list parameters: [] responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique UUID for the auth token name: type: string description: Token display name auth_token: type: string description: Token data created: type: string description: Timestamp created in UTC last_used: type: string description: Timestamp last used in UTC examples: example-1: value: tokens: - name: MyAuthToken uuid: 62666431-3936-4936-b561-626536613733 auth_token: 502fff2b09c8e0877323de558a0a84633e295b1572a69526 created: 2019-11-16T08:41:57Z last_used: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z - name: MySecondAuthToken uuid: 32356538-6564-4235-a239-383564386433 auth_token: 122140a4727ff1442411979b65d65af0b57e945f99461ac7 created: 2019-11-16T08:42:07Z last_used: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z "401": description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Type of error properties: errors: type: object description: Error object properties: response: type: string description: HTTP error code and text representation reason: type: string description: Details about why the request failed example: errors: response: 401 Unauthorized reason: Unauthorized, this feature requires authentication "403": description: Access Denied content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Type of error properties: errors: type: object description: Error object properties: response: type: string description: HTTP error code and text representation reason: type: string description: Details about why the request failed example: errors: response: 403 Access Denied reason: Access denied, your account does not have permission to use this feature "405": description: Invalid Method content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Type of error properties: errors: type: object description: Error object properties: response: type: string description: HTTP error code and text representation reason: type: string description: Details about why the request failed example: errors: response: 405 Method Not Allowed reason: Invalid http method, use instead x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /account/token_create: post: tags: - Token summary: Create auth token description: This function generates a fresh authentication token. Upon successful execution, the response will provide you with the newly generated token for further use. operationId: token-create security: - bearer: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Display name for the new auth token examples: example-1: value: name: MyAuthToken responses: "201": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique UUID for the newly created auth token name: type: string description: Name for the newly created auth token (same as in request) token: type: string description: The new auth token created: type: string description: Date created in UTC examples: example-1: value: name: MyAuthToken uuid: 31393331-3562-4637-b062-633334396138 token: 996afbf034a3f1bd2577c14edec857a7ca539bd174446fd3 created: 2019-11-16T08:37:46Z description: Created "400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Type of error properties: errors: type: object description: Error object properties: reason: type: string description: Details about why the request failed field: type: string description: The malformed input field examples: response-1: summary: Response message when bad input was received value: errors: - reason: required field '' was not found field: response-2: summary: Response message with multiple bad fields value: errors: - reason: invalid data type on field '' (integer), expected 'string' field: - reason: required field '' was not found field: "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Type of error properties: errors: type: object description: Error object properties: response: type: string description: HTTP error code and text representation reason: type: string description: Details about why the request failed example: errors: response: 404 Not Found reason: Requested resource could not be found, please check [id|uuid] "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /account/token_rename: patch: tags: - Token summary: Rename auth token description: Use this endpoint to update the display name associated with an authentication token, allowing for personalized organization and identification of your access credentials. operationId: token-rename parameters: [] responses: "202": description: Accepted content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Successfull request properties: success: type: object description: Success object properties: response: type: string description: HTTP error code and text representation reason: type: string description: Additional information if needed, can be empty example: success: response: 202 Accepted reason: Function executed successfully "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: UUID for the token object you want to rename name: type: string description: New name for the token examples: example-1: value: name: NewTokenName uuid: 62666431-3936-4936-b561-626536613733 "/account/token_remove/{token_id}": delete: tags: - Token summary: Remove auth token description: This endpoint allows you to remove a specific authentication token. It's important to note that if you delete the token used to authenticate this request, you will need to initiate a new call to `/account/login` in order to obtain a replacement token. This ensures continued access and security for your account. operationId: token-remove parameters: - in: path name: token_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: Token `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": description: No Content content: application/json: schema: type: object description: No Content "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /account/info: get: tags: - Management summary: Account info description: This endpoint provides an exhaustive compilation of all information pertaining to the requester's account. This encompasses personal data on record, current account balance, any applicable limitations, detailed referral statistics, assigned permissions, a comprehensive log of account activity, current resource usage, and an estimate of the upcoming billing deadline. operationId: account-info security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Status success properties: id: type: integer description: Account unique identifier uuid: type: string description: 36 character unique uuid account identifier email: type: string description: Email addres profile: type: object properties: firstname: type: string description: First name lastname: type: string description: Last name country: type: string description: Two letter country code dark_mode: type: boolean description: Use dark mode or ligth mode in control panel account_type: type: enum description: Can be `personal`, `business` or `reseller` balance: type: number description: Current account balance activated: type: boolean description: Will be set to `true` when account is activated smtp: type: boolean description: If `true`, SMTP enabled servers can be deployed referrals: type: object properties: count: type: integer description: Numer of referrals amount: type: number description: Total amount earned from referrals servers: type: object properties: limit: type: integer description: Max number of server instances allowed on account running: type: integer description: Current number of server instances running registerdate: type: string description: Timestamp showing when the account was created lastlogin: type: string description: Timestamp showing when the account was last modified billing: type: object properties: secondsdue: type: integer description: Seconds left until account runs out of money at current usage duedate: type: string description: Timestamp showing when account will run out of money usage: type: number description: Sum of current usage billed every hour examples: account-1: summary: Account info summary value: id: 654321 uuid: 753dd882-9246-4e7b-b52d-e7ff1febbede profile: firstname: John lastname: Doe email: balance: 4322.65474875 activated: true smtp: true referrals: count: 14 amount: 110 servers: limit: 400 running: 65 registerdate: 2016-10-08T07:10:56Z lastlogin: 2020-11-23T11:08:04Z billing: secondsdue: 0 duedate: 2021-03-03T11:23:45Z usage: 1.78082191 permissions: {} blocked_ports: TCP: - 17 - 19 - 25 - 1900 UDP: - 17 - 19 - 25 - 1900 - 53413 activity: - ip_address: timestamp: 2020-11-16T09:51:44Z status: success - ip_address: timestamp: 2020-11-20T09:45:00Z status: success - ip_address: timestamp: 2020-11-23T09:31:32Z status: success "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" "429": description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Type of error properties: errors: type: object description: Error object properties: response: type: string description: HTTP error code and text representation reason: type: string description: Details about why the request failed examples: response-1: summary: Default response on "429 Too Many Requests" error value: errors: response: 429 Too Many Requests reason: Rate limit exceeded, please try again in a few moments x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /account/register: post: tags: - Management summary: Register description: >- By registering a new account, you will receive a login token upon successful completion. Please be aware that this function is subject to rate limiting. For further details regarding specific fields, refer to the request schema provided. Please bear in mind that this endpoint will consistently return a status code of `201`. As a result, this code cannot be relied upon to ascertain the success or failure of this operation. operationId: account-register parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: Email address linked to the account password: type: string description: Password linked to the account firstname: type: string description: Optional first name for display purpose, can be anything but must be set lastname: type: string description: Optional last name for display purpose, can be anything but must be set accept_tos: type: boolean description: Agree to terms of service, privacy policy, data processing agreement and acceptable use policies. Must be `true` country: type: string description: Two letter country code, must be your legal country of residence even if you use VPN. Discovered mismatches may result in a temporary ban. example: email: password: a very long and secure password, preferrably a whole sentence firstname: John lastname: Doe accept_tos: true country: US responses: "201": description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: token: type: string description: API authentication token that can be used for future API requests until disposed timestamp: type: string description: Logged authentication attempt timestamp, will be seen in activity log examples: example-1: summary: Successful login value: token: 3fa3992937bf09dbae37023f20bbed9b560bba83369c4154cfafcd35adfe1e1a timestamp: 2020-11-23T14:36:44Z "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" "429": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1info/get/responses/429" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /account/login: post: tags: - Management summary: Login description: >- This endpoint serves to authenticate the provided email and password. If no token currently exists in your account, this function can be employed to generate a new one. Upon successful validation, a token will be returned. Please bear in mind that this endpoint will consistently return a status code of `200`. As a result, this code cannot be relied upon to ascertain the success or failure of this operation. operationId: account-login parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: Email address linked to the account password: type: string description: Password linked to the account example: email: password: a very long and secure password, preferrably a whole sentence responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: token: type: string description: API authentication token that can be used for future API requests until disposed timestamp: type: string description: Logged authentication attempt timestamp, will be seen in activity log examples: example-1: summary: Successful login value: token: 3fa3992937bf09dbae37023f20bbed9b560bba83369c4154cfafcd35adfe1e1a timestamp: 2020-11-23T14:36:44Z "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" "429": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1info/get/responses/429" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /account/activate: put: tags: - Management summary: Activate description: >- Upon completing your registration, please check your email for further instructions. Once received, send the `uuid` to this designated endpoint to activate your account. Please bear in mind that this endpoint will consistently return a status code of `202`. As a result, this code cannot be relied upon to ascertain the success or failure of this operation. operationId: account-activate parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique identifer for the account to activate example: uuid: 38353138-6331-4233-b038-343035303839 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" "429": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1info/get/responses/429" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /account/update: patch: tags: - Management summary: Update description: You can utilize this endpoint to modify your account information. operationId: account-update security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: firstname: type: string description: First name (optional) lastname: type: string description: Last name (optional) country: type: string description: Two letter country code, must be your legal country of residence even if you use VPN. Discovered mismatches may result in a temporary ban. (optional) dark_mode: type: boolean description: Enable dark mode in control panel (default is true, optional) email: type: string description: Email address for the account whos password you want to change password: type: string description: The new password or passphrase example: firstname: John lastname: Doe country: US dark_mode: true email: password: new password responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" "429": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1info/get/responses/429" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /account/reset: patch: tags: - Management summary: Reset description: >- As a supplementary login method, you can generate and send a temporary password via email. It's important to note that this action will not deactivate or modify your primary account password in any way. Please bear in mind that this endpoint will consistently return a status code of `202`. As a result, this code cannot be relied upon to ascertain the success or failure of this operation. operationId: account-reset parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: Email address for the account you want to reset example: email: responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" "429": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1info/get/responses/429" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /transaction/list: get: tags: - Billing summary: List transactions description: This function provides an extensive list of transactions, encompassing details such as fees, taxes, types, timestamps, and additional relevant information. It offers a comprehensive view of financial activities associated with the account. operationId: transaction-list parameters: [] responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: Transaction id ptype: type: string description: Payment processor pstatus: type: string description: Payment status amount: type: number description: Amount in USD fee: type: number description: Fee in USD taxrate: type: number description: Value added tax in percent created: type: string description: Date created in UTC format examples: example-1: summary: List of 100 latest transactions value: transactions: - id: p-xxxx-8qb4fe ptype: paypal pstatus: completed amount: 100 fee: 5.9 taxrate: 0.25 ts_last_changed: 2020-04-28T12:46:03Z ts_created: 2020-04-28T12:46:03Z - id: c-xxxx-3bc45k ptype: cryptonator pstatus: completed amount: 200 fee: 1.8 taxrate: 0.25 ts_last_changed: 2020-04-27T18:40:22Z ts_created: 2020-04-27T18:40:21Z meta: total: 2 description: OK "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /invoice/list: get: tags: - Billing summary: List invioice description: To view a detailed list of billable items, including activity, associated costs, start and end times, and additional information, simply provide a numeric value as an argument to `args` to access more entries. This function allows for comprehensive oversight of billing-related data. operationId: invoice-list parameters: - in: query name: start_id schema: type: integer description: (Optional) Fetch older transactions `25`, `50`, `75`. responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: active: type: integer description: Indicates if account is being billed for the linked resource, `1` means yes, `0` means no amount_hr: type: number description: Price per hour amount_mo: type: number description: Price per month resource_type: type: string description: Resource type is what the account is being billed for, i.e a `server`, a `volume` or a `floating_ip` usage: type: integer description: Amout of hours the account has been billed for the linked resource created: type: string description: Date created in UTC format examples: example-1: summary: List of 100 latest resources value: invoices: - active: 0 amount_hr: 0.0055 amount_mo: 4 resource_type: floating_ip ts_created: 2020-11-12T07:50:08Z ts_removed: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z usage: 568 - active: 1 amount_hr: 0.088 amount_mo: 64 resource_type: server ts_created: 2019-11-11T16:01:07Z ts_removed: 2020-11-11T17:05:13Z usage: 8760 meta: total: 2 description: OK "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /invoice/sum: post: tags: - Billing summary: Sum invioice description: This function enables you to calculate the total amount you have paid over a specified period of time. The default timeframe is set to the current month, but you can customize it according to your specific requirements. This feature offers a clear and concise overview of your financial activity within the specified time frame. operationId: invoice-sum parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: from: type: string description: Start time, accepts any string that can be parsed into a timestamp to: type: string description: End time, accepts any string that can be parsed into a timestamp examples: example-1: summary: Optional time interval value: from: 2020-09-1 to: 2020-09.30 responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: server: type: number description: Total cost of server instances in given interval license: type: number description: Total cost of licenses in given interval snapshot: type: number description: Total cost of snapshots in given interval backup: type: number description: Total cost of backups in given interval block_storage: type: number description: Total cost of block storage in given interval object_storage: type: number description: Total cost of object storage in given interval ddos_protection: type: number description: Total cost of ddos protection in given interval ts_start: type: string description: Start of interval in UTC format ts_end: type: string description: End of interval in UTC format examples: example-1: summary: The full amount billed within given time interval, divided by resource type value: server: 10.2603 license: 0 snapshot: 0 auto_backups: 0 block_storage: 0.0247 object_storage: 0 ddos_protection: 0 ts_start: 2020-09-01T00:00:00Z ts_end: 2020-09-30T00:00:00Z description: OK "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /snapshot/list: get: tags: - Snapshot summary: List snapshots description: This function provides a comprehensive list of all the snapshots associated with your account. It offers an overview of the saved states of your resources, allowing for efficient management and retrieval when needed. operationId: snapshot-list parameters: [] responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for snapshot region_id: type: integer description: ID of the datacenter the snapshot is located in type: type: string description: Snapshot type, can be `snapshot` or `backup` name: type: string description: Snapshot display name server_id: type: string description: UUID of the server the snapshot was created from expires: type: string description: Date and time when a backup expires, this is not used for snapshots status: type: string description: Current status of the snapshot, can be `processing` or `completed` size_gb: type: integer description: Snapshot size in gigabytes created: type: string description: Date created examples: example-1: summary: List of volumes value: snapshots: - uuid: 2812c19f-0d2b-43b1-91c5-7b6c590bdd8f region: 101 type: snapshot name: my-first-snapshot server_id: ea7d52d6-b3cf-4179-a656-913eb389487c expires: N/A status: processing size_gb: 0 created: 2020-04-21T09:19:15Z - uuid: f56b993b-e8ac-4936-bff8-f6869f96b210 region: 208 type: snapshot name: my-second-snapshot server_id: d8a2cdad-83ee-4355-9b3c-c96ad2fef295 expires: N/A status: completed size_gb: 25 created: 2020-04-21T09:19:15Z description: OK "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /snapshot/create: post: tags: - Snapshot summary: Create snapshot description: This action captures a snapshot of the server, creating a saved state that can be used for backup or recovery purposes. operationId: snapshot-create parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the new snapshot server_id: type: string description: The `id` or `uuid` of the server to create a snapshot from examples: example-1: summary: Create a snapshot from server value: name: my-new-snapshot server_id: f7100ab4-ed86-4d38-b487-7034ac1ced2c responses: "201": description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new volume examples: object-1: summary: New snapshot value: snapshot_id: 1284eff3-b9fd-4ab6-8b51-79e9133dd05a "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": description: Payment Required content: application/json: schema: type: object description: Type of error properties: errors: type: object description: Error object properties: response: type: string description: HTTP error code and text representation reason: type: string description: Details about why the request failed example: errors: response: 402 Payment Required reason: Not enough funds available to create this resource "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /snapshot/restore: patch: tags: - Snapshot summary: Restore snapshot description: This operation will restore a server using the provided snapshot image. Essentially, it reverts the server to a previous state captured in the snapshot. This can be invaluable for recovery or for creating duplicates of servers in known working configurations. operationId: snapshot-restore parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: : type: string description: Unique resource `uuid`, a 36 character string identifier. Example `123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000` examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: snapshot_id: 25b81dbc-169a-495a-8194-1fda343fafee server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 id: summary: Request with id value: snapshot_id: 123456 server_id: 654321 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/snapshot/remove/{snapshot_id}": delete: tags: - Snapshot summary: Remove snapshot description: This function allows you to remove a snapshot from your account, effectively deleting the saved state associated with it. Please exercise caution, as this action is irreversible and will result in the permanent removal of the snapshot. operationId: snapshot-remove parameters: - in: path name: snapshot_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: Snapshot `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_remove~1%7Btoken_id%7D/delete/responses/204" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/list: get: tags: - Instance summary: List servers description: This function provides a comprehensive list of all servers associated with the requesting account, offering detailed information about each server's specifications and status. operationId: server-list parameters: [] responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `uuid` for the new server name: type: string description: Display name for the new server power: type: string description: Power status, `provisioning`, `running`, `stopped` etc.. created: type: string description: Timestamp wen server instance was created price: type: number description: Monthly price in USD iface: type: object description: List of network interfaces (default is `null`) properties: v4: type: array description: List of IPv4 interfaces v6: type: array description: List of IPv6 interfaces bandwidth: type: object description: Bandwidth limits and usage properties: usage: type: number description: Bandwidth usage in GB limit: type: number description: Bandwidth limit for plan in GB info: type: object description: List of information and settings for server instance properties: features: type: array description: List of features in use by the server options: type: object description: List of options in use by the server properties: bw_overage_policy: type: string description: What to do when your server runs out of allocated bandwidth (default `power_off`) bw_overage_tresgold: type: number description: Allow bandwidth overage on this server (`1.0` is 100%) reg_country: type: string description: Name of the country were the server is located reg_city: type: string description: Name of the city were the server is located reg_id: type: integer description: Region ID were the server is located img_id: type: integer description: Image ID of the software image used on the server plan_id: type: integer description: Plan ID of the plan specifications for the server password: type: string description: Default SSH password for user `root` and `admin` ipv6_enabled: type: boolean description: Value `true` if IPv6 is enabled script_url: type: string description: URL to server installation script examples: example-1: summary: List of servers value: servers: - uuid: febd10b1-7190-4e68-a384-e8cb25685d1f name: web-server power: running created: 2021-02-13T11:56:39Z iface: v4: - address: netmask: gateway: type: public reverse: v6: null bandwidth: usage: 21.55 limit: 4000 info: region: 101 image: 1112 plan: 1103 price: 32 password: 5=Xe])H9+zXZ9_S, ddos_protection: false backup_enabled: false ipv6_enabled: false private_network: false script_url: null - uuid: 8e942f2b-ef8c-469c-8c4a-f9ade867094d name: database-server power: running created: 2021-02-13T12:56:39Z iface: v4: - address: netmask: gateway: type: public reverse: v6: null bandwidth: usage: 5.33 limit: 4000 info: region: 101 image: 1112 plan: 1103 price: 32 password: 5=Xe])H9+zXZ9_S, ddos_protection: false backup_enabled: false ipv6_enabled: false private_network: false script_url: null "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/server/info/{server_id}": get: tags: - Instance summary: View info description: This function returns a server object containing detailed information about the requested server. It provides a comprehensive overview of the specified server's attributes and status. operationId: server-info parameters: - in: path name: server_id schema: type: integer required: true description: Server ID for the server to view responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1server~1list/get/responses/200/content/application~1json/schem\ a" examples: example-1: summary: Show server information value: uuid: c2dec301-d6ab-4208-998e-665a0174f794 name: web-server power: running created: 2021-02-13T11:56:39Z iface: v4: - address: netmask: gateway: type: public reverse: v6: null bandwidth: usage: 21.55 limit: 4000 info: region: 101 image: 1112 plan: 1103 price: 32 password: 5=Xe])H9+zXZ9_S, ddos_protection: false backup_enabled: false ipv6_enabled: false private_network: false script_url: null "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/create: post: tags: - Instance summary: Create server description: Initiate the creation of a fresh server instance with the option to customize its configuration. For further details on the available configuration parameters, consult the provided schema. operationId: server-create parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - hostname - label - region - image - plan properties: hostname: type: string description: Hostname for the new server label: type: string description: Display name for the new server region: type: integer description: Data center to deploy in, accepts `ID` or `uuid` image: type: integer description: Software image to install, accepts `ID` or `uuid` plan: type: integer description: Plan configuration to use, accepts `ID` or `uuid` ddos_protection: type: boolean description: Use `true` to enable additional DDoS protection auto_backups: type: boolean description: Use `true` to enable automatic backups ipv6_networking: type: boolean description: Use `true` to enable IPv6 networking ssh_key: type: string description: Public SSH Key to install, accepts `ID` or `uuid` script_url: type: string description: URL to custom `bash` installation script to run at first boot image_type: type: string description: Set to `app`, `snapshot` or `iso` when software image is not a default `os` commit: type: integer description: Number of hours you want to pay up-front (default is 0) vpc: type: string description: Connect to a private network, accepts `ID` or `uuid` examples: gen-1: summary: Create a G1-standard-1 instance value: hostname: standard-1 label: G1 Standard 1 region: 101 image: 1114 plan: 1101 auto_backups: false ipv6_networking: false ddos_protection: false ssh_key: ee95ef44-2ed2-436e-9d49-20889d69bd2e script_url: https://... image_type: os vpc: cddf1a7b-052e-418e-8ea2-1f52cf288c5b gen-2: summary: Create a G2-standard-1 instance value: hostname: standard-1 label: G2 Standard 1 region: 206 image: 2117 plan: 2101 auto_backups: false ipv6_networking: false ddos_protection: false ssh_key: ee95ef44-2ed2-436e-9d49-20889d69bd2e script_url: https://... image_type: os vpc: cddf1a7b-052e-418e-8ea2-1f52cf288c5b gen-3: summary: Create a G3-standard-1 instance value: hostname: standard-1 label: G3 Standard 1 region: 310 image: 3134 plan: 3101 auto_backups: false ipv6_networking: false ddos_protection: false ssh_key: ee95ef44-2ed2-436e-9d49-20889d69bd2e script_url: https://... image_type: os vpc: cddf1a7b-052e-418e-8ea2-1f52cf288c5b responses: "201": description: Created content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1server~1list/get/responses/200/content/application~1json/schem\ a" examples: gen-1: summary: G1 server created (Debian GNU+Linux) value: uuid: e5152a2e-6b6b-4dac-b9ed-46e083b58048 name: gen-1-server power: provisioning created: 2021-02-13T12:13:33Z iface: null bandwidth: usage: 0 limit: 1000 info: region: 101 image: 1114 plan: 1101 price: 8 password: long-passphrase-goes-here ipv6_enabled: false script_url: null gen-2: summary: G2 server created (Debian GNU+Linux) value: uuid: 79d73a27-0b2c-4c8b-be4c-89c354b03465 name: gen-2-server power: provisioning created: 2021-02-13T13:13:33Z iface: null bandwidth: usage: 0 limit: 1000 info: region: 106 image: 2117 plan: 2101 price: 8 password: long-passphrase-goes-here ipv6_enabled: false script_url: null gen-3: summary: G3 server created (Debian GNU+Linux) value: uuid: db1dba87-f25f-4303-8e5a-610b436f5dcf name: gen-3-server power: provisioning created: 2021-02-13T14:13:33Z iface: null bandwidth: usage: 0 limit: 1000 info: region: 310 image: 3134 plan: 3101 price: 8 password: long-passphrase-goes-here ipv6_enabled: false script_url: null "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1create/post/responses/402" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/server/remove/{server_id}": delete: tags: - Instance summary: Remove server description: Utilize this function to initiate the removal of a server instance from your account. This action permanently deletes the specified server. Please exercise caution, as this operation is irreversible. operationId: server-remove parameters: - in: path name: server_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: Server `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_remove~1%7Btoken_id%7D/delete/responses/204" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/server/rebuild/{server_id}": get: tags: - Scaling summary: List rebuild images description: This function provides a comprehensive list of available rebuild images specifically tailored for the server in question. It allows you to choose from a selection of images to restore or reconfigure your server according to your requirements. operationId: server-rebuild-list parameters: - in: path name: server_id schema: type: integer required: true description: Server ID for the server to view responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the plan object name: type: string description: Name of the plan object examples: object-1: summary: List of available plan upgrades value: images: "4105": uuid: 4feccd8a-fafc-4b4a-8f27-1aba0505d334 name: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (Stretch) "4106": uuid: c3b1b6ef-2e63-40e9-a50b-b0d3e07409e2 name: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster) "4107": uuid: a87917ab-6e9b-451c-a1fb-25f8daa4f3ab name: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye) "4108": uuid: a551959f-5922-4c52-9105-30a307a2d9d4 name: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) "4109": uuid: 5798ef36-644a-4596-b69a-635b6e5b6ef3 name: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/server/resize/{server_id}": get: tags: - Scaling summary: List resize plans description: This function displays the range of available plan upgrades applicable to the specified server. It provides you with options for enhancing the resources and capabilities of your server to better meet your evolving needs. operationId: server-reboot-list parameters: - in: path name: server_id schema: type: integer required: true description: Server ID for the server to view responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the image object name: type: string description: Name of the image object examples: object-1: summary: List of available rebuild images value: plans: "1101": uuid: 27dd1cca-12c0-48d4-88e7-16b51abbc263 name: standard-1m-1c "1103": uuid: 935ef4c6-79f2-4a0e-9c39-c784a0ffcec4 name: standard-2m-1c "1105": uuid: 94614621-860f-417b-a509-928bd5897dc5 name: standard-4m-2c "1107": uuid: 31fa9ea2-1c66-4fc6-9d3e-5484fcc458e6 name: standard-8m-4c "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/rebuild: post: tags: - Scaling summary: Change OS image description: Executing this action will result in a complete change of the server's operating system. It's important to note that this process involves overwriting all data currently stored on the system disk. Please exercise caution, as this operation is irreversible and will result in the loss of existing data. operationId: server-rebuild parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 image_id: ce8811bd-6c13-4d5e-9754-ce2c23343c66 id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 image_id: 123456 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/resize: post: tags: - Scaling summary: Resize server description: This action allows you to modify the plan of an already existing server, providing flexibility to adjust its resources and capabilities to better suit your evolving requirements. operationId: server-resize parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 plan_id: 4838b8c4-88ee-44c1-9eab-00c6944c0054 id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 plan_id: 123456 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1create/post/responses/402" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/rescue: post: tags: - Action summary: Rescue server description: This action toggles the rescue mode, allowing the server to reboot into a recovery image if it's enabled. If not, it will proceed to boot from the disk as usual. This functionality provides a means to troubleshoot and recover server instances when needed. operationId: server-rescue parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 enable: true id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 enable: true responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/reinstall: post: tags: - Action summary: Reinstall server description: This operation will reinstall the server using its original image, essentially restoring it to its initial state as per the original configuration. This can be useful for starting afresh or troubleshooting specific issues. operationId: server-reinstall parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 enable: true id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 enable: true responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/start: patch: tags: - Action summary: Start server description: This command dispatches a start signal to the server, effectively initiating the booting process and bringing the server into an active state. operationId: server-start parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/stop: patch: tags: - Action summary: Stop server description: This command sends a power-off signal to the server, effectively shutting it down. Performing this action is equivalent to physically pressing the power-off button. It initiates a graceful shutdown of the server. operationId: server-stop parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /server/reboot: patch: tags: - Action summary: Reboot server description: This function triggers a reboot signal to be sent to the server, prompting it to restart. If the server is not currently running, this will start the server. operationId: server-reboot parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/rdns/get/{server_id}": get: tags: - Reverse DNS summary: View reverse DNS description: This function displays the reverse DNS record that is currently assigned to the server. This information helps identify the domain associated with the server's IP address. operationId: server-get-rdns parameters: - in: path name: server_id schema: type: integer required: true description: Server ID for the server instance to view responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /rdns/put: put: tags: - Reverse DNS summary: Edit reverse DNS description: This function allows you to modify the reverse DNS record that is assigned to the server. This can be useful for updating the domain associated with the server's IP address. operationId: server-put-rdns parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: server_id: type: string description: Unique resource `uuid`, a 36 character string identifier. Example `123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000` rdns: type: string description: (optional) The new RDNS to set, only applies to `PUT /rdns/put` description: Get or set optional paramters for a server instance in order to change the server behaviour. examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 rdns: id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 rdns: responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/option/get/{server_id}": put: tags: - Options summary: Get option by key description: This function retrieves a server option parameter specified by the `name` key. Server option parameters serve to fine-tune a server's behavior in various scenarios. For a range of variables that can be customized, refer to the provided examples. operationId: server-get-option parameters: - in: path name: server_id schema: type: integer required: true description: Server ID for the server instance to view requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Key identifier for the value to get. description: View current option paramter by key. examples: bw_overage_policy: summary: Get bandwidth overage behavior value: name: bw_overage_policy bw_overage_treshold: summary: Get bandwidth overage treshold value: name: bw_overage_treshold responses: "200": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/option/set/{server_id}": put: tags: - Options summary: Set option by key description: This function allows you to create, remove, or update a server option parameter defined by the `name` key. Server option parameters enable you to adjust a server's behavior in diverse scenarios. For specific variables that can be modified, refer to the provided examples. operationId: server-put-option parameters: - in: path name: server_id schema: type: integer required: true description: Server ID for the server instance to edit requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Key identifier for the value to set. value: type: string description: The value to set, use "null" to unset. description: Edit server option paramters to modify it`s behaviour examples: bw_overage_policy: summary: Change bandwidth overage behavior value: name: bw_overage_policy value: power_off bw_overage_treshold: summary: Change bandwidth overage treshold value: name: bw_overage_treshold value: 0.9 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /floating_ip/list: get: tags: - Floating IPs summary: List floating IPs description: This function provides a comprehensive list of floating IP addresses associated with your account, along with information about which server they are currently attached to. This overview allows you to keep track of your floating IPs and their current assignments. operationId: floating_ip-list security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new floating ip server_id: type: integer description: ID of the server the ip is attached to address: type: string description: Floating IP address netmask: type: string description: Floating IP address netmask gateway: type: string description: Floating IP address gateway reverse: type: string description: Floating IP address reverse DNS reccord prefix: type: string description: Floating IP address network prefix. `32` for ipv4 (1 address) and `64` for ipv6 (a full /64 block) created: type: string description: Date created in UTC format examples: example-1: summary: List of network interfaces value: floating_ips: - uuid: 39343439-3938-4963-b035-343462393435 server_id: null address: netmask: gateway: reverse: prefix: 32 type: floating description: OK "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /floating_ip/create: post: tags: - Floating IPs summary: Create floating IP description: This action generates a new floating IP address that is specific to the chosen region. Floating IP addresses provide a stable, publicly accessible static IP that can be assigned to a server as needed. operationId: floating_ip-create security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: region_id: type: integer description: Data center id, this is where the new IP will be created ip_version: type: integer description: IPv4 or IPv6, allowed values are `4` or `6` examples: v4-ams: summary: Create a IPv4 address in Amsterdam value: region_id: 110 ip_version: 4 v4-lon: summary: Create a IPv4 address in London value: region_id: 206 ip_version: 4 v4-fra: summary: Create a IPv6 address in Frankfurt value: region_id: 310 ip_version: 6 responses: "201": description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new floating IP ip_address: type: string description: The new IP address created: type: string description: Date created in UTC format examples: object-1: summary: Floating IP object value: uuid: 39343439-3938-4963-b035-343462393435 ip_address: "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1create/post/responses/402" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /floating_ip/attach: patch: tags: - Floating IPs summary: Attach floating IP description: This action links an existing floating IP address to a server, providing it with a publicly accessible static IP. This can be useful for scenarios that require a stable, movable address. operationId: floating_ip-attach security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: example-1: summary: Attach floating point ip to a server instance value: server_id: 39343439-3938-4963-b035-343462393435 ip_id: fae640c3-537e-4820-ab9f-ef251405bfec responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /floating_ip/detach: patch: tags: - Floating IPs summary: Detach floating IP description: This function detaches an existing floating IP address from the server to which it is currently assigned. This operation allows you to manage and reassign floating IPs as necessary. operationId: floating_ip-detach security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: example-1: summary: Detach floating point ip from a server instance value: server_id: 39343439-3938-4963-b035-343462393435 ip_id: fae640c3-537e-4820-ab9f-ef251405bfec responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false "/floating_ip/remove/{ip_id}": delete: tags: - Floating IPs summary: Remove floating IP description: >- This function allows you to remove a floating IP address. However, it's important to note that the IP address must first be detached from any server, or the function will return an error. Additionally, please be aware that in some regions, the removal of floating IPs may be restricted until a certain amount of time has elapsed, typically around 24 hours. This precaution is in place to ensure proper handling of IP addresses. operationId: floating_ip-remove security: - bearer: [] parameters: - in: path name: ip_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: Floating IP `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_remove~1%7Btoken_id%7D/delete/responses/204" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /vpc/list: get: tags: - VPCs summary: List VPCs description: This function provides a comprehensive list of Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) associated with your account, along with information about which servers are currently attached to each VPC (if applicable). This overview allows you to manage your VPC resources effectively. operationId: vpc-list security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for a VPC servers: type: object description: List of servers attached to the VPC name: type: string description: Display name for VPC object region: type: integer description: Region id where VPC is located created: type: string description: Date created in UTC format examples: example-1: summary: List of VPCs value: vpcs: - uuid: ecab0cb0-7493-4d79-ba48-e5ccc7d5631a servers: - 3c4d05e7-ec65-407c-87ce-356b5d213351 - d9f8392c-3c74-442b-ab0e-eb9189c09ca3 name: stockholm region: "118" created: 2021-12-25T13:07:54z - uuid: 8ec8fc87-1c48-462d-a71f-8ec9e89006e7 servers: [] name: stockholm region: "118" created: 2021-12-25T13:07:54z description: OK "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /vpc/create: post: tags: - VPCs summary: Create VPC description: This action generates a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) address specifically designed for use in the chosen region. VPC addresses facilitate secure communication within isolated virtual networks, ensuring data privacy and network isolation. operationId: vpc-create security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: region_id: type: integer description: Data center id, this is where the new VPC will be created name: type: string description: Name of the new VPC object examples: vpc-ams: summary: Create a VPC in Amsterdam value: region_id: 110 name: ams-vpc vpc-lon: summary: Create a VPC in London value: region_id: 206 name: lon-vpc responses: "201": description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new VPC examples: object-1: summary: VPC object value: uuid: 39343439-3938-4963-b035-343462393435 "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1create/post/responses/402" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /vpc/attach: patch: tags: - VPCs summary: Attach VPC description: This action connects an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) address to a server, enabling secure communication within the isolated virtual network. operationId: vpc-attach security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: example-1: summary: Attach vpc to a server instance value: server_id: 39343439-3938-4963-b035-343462393435 vpc_id: fae640c3-537e-4820-ab9f-ef251405bfec responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /vpc/detach: patch: tags: - VPCs summary: Detach VPC description: This action disconnects a server from a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), effectively removing it from the isolated network environment. operationId: vpc-detach security: - bearer: [] parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: example-1: summary: Detach vpc from a server instance value: server_id: 39343439-3938-4963-b035-343462393435 vpc_id: fae640c3-537e-4820-ab9f-ef251405bfec responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false "/vpc/remove/{vpc_id}": delete: tags: - VPCs summary: Remove VPC description: >- This function allows you to remove a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). However, it's important to note that the VPC must first be detached from any servers, or the function will return an error. Additionally, please be aware that in some regions, the removal of VPCs may be restricted until a certain amount of time has elapsed, typically around 24 hours. This precaution is in place to ensure proper handling of network resources. operationId: vpc-remove security: - bearer: [] parameters: - in: path name: vpc_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: VPC `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_remove~1%7Btoken_id%7D/delete/responses/204" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /ssh_key/list: get: tags: - SSH Keys summary: List SSH keys description: To retrieve a list of all the public SSH keys associated with your account, simply call this endpoint. This function provides a convenient way to access and manage your authentication credentials. operationId: ssh_key-list parameters: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new volume name: type: string description: Display name for the SSH Key fingerprint: type: string description: SSH Key fingerprint created: type: string description: Date created in UTC examples: object-1: summary: RSA key successfully uploaded value: ssh_keys: - name: root_rsa uuid: 52c5ac68-478b-461f-a585-e588256f9995 data: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDGlXmWjH3Ly6ty9O3hYeg8p/ld7Isl65DaoxqTclbPrAdvDKrsB12MJlJS7oNur2TNUKfU24N+UKn7fqyUeEGWZrIh2DIaPC2Msq132x2P3IBeposynhfBmk6ZoJi58WjddIInQnaAJ/OJZB2waOp+RdtW53lP7zkPTny6yOUYUmFuC93mEMTAf6CpHEoBsNB/OH8km11kpjbbZ4QUx/1shXNnXo5El0/2Cqn7g/s0hi1EuDysDxAj2BkH8fsNyHitNhattf6NIL4akKagcZUhY/9Oj3TikM05MR5Jf72w8EQTtr9vNMTkxlaz/G66GeJR0TAd7CUCux+7KJ8KSH6r root created: 2019-10-12T15:57:07Z fingerprint: 8b:ad:f0:0d:8b:ad:f0:0d:8b:ad:f0:0d:8b:ad:f0:0d - name: root_ecdsa uuid: 7b016201-2c41-463d-ab3a-12cf8228366e data: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBCGtytDuWTzCZJ4FGy5OBKTgYwllftrmgZ3Z+mSTTRmNVlTCEDygSzALLdtC7MEilv/ezTN2uA3HIC72jYegrMc= root created: 2020-06-25T10:09:22Z fingerprint: de:ad:be:ef:de:ad:be:ef:de:ad:be:ef:de:ad:be:ef "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" /ssh_key/create: post: tags: - SSH Keys summary: Create SSH key description: By uploading your public SSH keys, you enable the convenience of one-click installations on your newly created server instances. This streamlined process enhances accessibility and security for your server management tasks. operationId: ssh_key-create parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Display name for the new SSH Key public_key: type: string description: Public SSH Key data, any of the following formats are supported `ssh-rsa`, `ssh-dss`, `ecdsa-sha2-nistp256`, `ecdsa-sha2-nistp384` or `ecdsa-sha2-nistp521` examples: upload: summary: Upload SSH key value: name: root_ecdsa public_key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBCGtytDuWTzCZJ4FGy5OBKTgYwllftrmgZ3Z+mSTTRmNVlTCEDygSzALLdtC7MEilv/ezTN2uA3HIC72jYegrMc= root x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] responses: "201": description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new volume name: type: string description: Display name for the SSH Key fingerprint: type: string description: SSH Key fingerprint created: type: string description: Date created in UTC examples: object-1: summary: RSA key successfully uploaded value: name: root_ecdsa uuid: 7b016201-2c41-463d-ab3a-12cf8228366e fingerprint: de:ad:be:ef:de:ad:be:ef:de:ad:be:ef:de:ad:be:ef created: 2020-06-25T10:09:22Z "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" /ssh_key/rename: patch: tags: - SSH Keys summary: Rename SSH Key description: This endpoint allows you to modify the display name associated with an SSH key, providing a way to personalize and organize your authentication credentials. operationId: ssh_key-rename parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: New display name for the SSH Key uuid: type: string description: Unique resource `uuid`, a 36 character string identifier. Example `123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000` id: type: integer description: Unique resource `id`, a integer used to identify a resource by it's unique id description: Either a resource `id` or `uuid` can be used in this request examples: uuid: summary: Rename SSH Key identified by uuid value: name: root_ecdsa_521 uuid: 7b016201-2c41-463d-ab3a-12cf8228366e id: summary: Rename SSH Key identified by id value: name: root_ecdsa_521 id: 123456 x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" "/ssh_key/remove/{ssh_key_id}": delete: tags: - SSH Keys summary: Remove SSH key description: Utilize this endpoint to remove a public SSH key that is no longer in use. This ensures that your account remains organized and secure, with only active and relevant keys retained. operationId: ssh_key-remove parameters: - in: path name: ssh_key_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: SSH_Key `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_remove~1%7Btoken_id%7D/delete/responses/204" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /backup/restore: patch: tags: - Backup summary: Restore backup description: This operation restore a backup image to the specified server, effectively reverting it to a previous state captured in the backup. This can be a useful step in recovering from unexpected issues or making significant changes with the safety net of a known working configuration. operationId: backup-restore parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: backup_id: 25b81dbc-169a-495a-8194-1fda343fafee server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 id: summary: Request with id value: backup_id: 123456 server_id: 654321 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /backup/enable: patch: tags: - Backup summary: Enable backup description: This command activates the automatic backup feature for the server. This means that scheduled backups will now be generated for this server at regular intervals. operationId: backup-enable parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /backup/disable: patch: tags: - Backup summary: Disable backup description: This command deactivates the automatic backup feature for the server. This means that scheduled backups will no longer be generated for this server. operationId: backup-disable parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: server_id: 0e61f8e7-eace-464a-8461-8a6bc94ed5a9 id: summary: Request with id value: server_id: 654321 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /region/list: get: tags: - Public summary: Regions description: >- Region IDs follow a specific structure, divided into two distinct sections. The final two digits signify the data center ID, falling within the range of `1-99`. Meanwhile, the initial one or two digits denote the legal jurisdiction, functioning to cluster data centers based on regulatory allowances and restrictions within that jurisdiction. This systematic approach ensures compliance and efficiency in data management across our network of data centers. For further insights into legal jurisdictions, especially if you're considering hosting content in a potentially ambiguous legal context, we encourage you to consult our comprehensive [knowledge base]( It provides a wealth of information that can be invaluable in navigating such situations effectively and responsibly. *Legal jurisdictions, sometimes called 'generations,' should not be confused with the age or quality of the hardware in the data center.* operationId: regions responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique identifier for the region object city: type: string description: The city this datacenter is located in state: type: string description: The state this datacenter is located in country: type: string description: The country this datacenter is located in continent: type: string description: The continent this datacenter is located in features: type: object description: Features available in this region latitude: type: number description: Latitude (exact location is not revealed) longitude: type: number description: Longitude (exact location is not revealed) operator_id: type: string description: Unique ID representing the company object responsible for this datacenter examples: region-1101: summary: List of all E11 data center regions value: regions: "1101": uuid: 1f58980d-8337-448b-ac38-97b056d48db0 city: Zurich state: Zurich country: Switzerland continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 47.3768866 longitude: 8.541694 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1102": uuid: 65824b5a-3cfe-49b6-a2a4-b43a1383f5cf city: Perth state: Western Australia country: Australia continent: Australia features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: -31.9523123 longitude: 115.861309 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1103": uuid: 3e6f30b9-8d23-49f3-aaef-a413a40aef92 city: London state: England country: United Kingdom continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 51.5073509 longitude: -0.1277583 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1104": uuid: 9a4c1754-c2b7-4355-841c-18457c3d0f08 city: Frankfurt state: Hessen country: Germany continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 50.1109221 longitude: 8.6821267 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1105": uuid: 6b7eb1c6-299d-461c-9e3c-39e9c088bc70 city: Dublin state: County Dublin country: Ireland continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 53.3498053 longitude: -6.2603097 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1106": uuid: aa0267a1-fd6f-49af-9eff-da9725f93882 city: Tokyo state: Tokyo country: Japan continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 35.6761919 longitude: 139.6503106 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1107": uuid: 768afc59-b744-436d-a2f4-82fa2f4001f1 city: Clark state: Pampanga country: Philippines continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 36.6544793 longitude: -95.1553966 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1108": uuid: 0fc5d8b1-f257-469d-9328-b5ed3704793d city: Manila state: Metro Manila country: Philippines continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 14.5995124 longitude: 120.9842195 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1109": uuid: 697f841d-b6e8-4400-bbbb-5529852ee7f0 city: Manila state: Metro Manila country: Philippines continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 14.5995124 longitude: 120.9842195 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1110": uuid: 7d528cf4-e7c9-4df7-813c-57de50fb2adb city: Riyadh state: Riyadh Province country: Saudi Arabia continent: Middle east features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 24.7135517 longitude: 46.6752957 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1111": uuid: ce90314c-9e64-4989-97a3-d4a65db82b4a city: Boden state: Norrbotten County country: Sweden continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 41.2994055 longitude: -75.7628603 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1112": uuid: 448d4114-895a-42f1-b004-08c345614af1 city: Geneva state: Geneva country: Switzerland continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 46.2043907 longitude: 6.1431577 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1113": uuid: 732af70c-b8a6-4107-83f4-318c092c9034 city: Honolulu state: Hawaii country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 21.3069444 longitude: -157.8583333 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1114": uuid: 2a35a3d0-7f2c-45f3-b2ac-6cc73f6d88a8 city: San Jose state: California country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 37.3382082 longitude: -121.8863286 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1115": uuid: c351859a-b868-47bb-94b3-6c33a297fdfe city: Washington DC state: District of Columbia country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 38.9071923 longitude: -77.0368707 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 "1116": uuid: 1b163ef0-8f04-48d1-842b-2ce96572c99e city: Cardiff state: Wales country: United Kingdom continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false private_networking: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 51.483707 longitude: -3.1680962 is_public: false generation: 11 operator_id: 71db70e7 meta: count: public: north-america: 27 south-america: 3 middle-east: 1 australia: 4 europe: 18 africa: 1 asia: 15 private: north-america: 6 south-america: 0 middle-east: 1 australia: 2 europe: 15 africa: 0 asia: 5 total: 98 cached: true timestamp: 2023-10-19T20:26:51Z region-101: summary: List of all G1 data center regions value: regions: "101": uuid: 5f9de878-9b28-4d02-9e7b-f3d4f6aa6447 city: Amsterdam state: North Holland country: Netherlands continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: true floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 52.3666969 longitude: 4.8945398 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "102": uuid: f653dea3-110d-499b-9993-b00eeafdd399 city: Atlanta state: Georgia country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 33.7489954 longitude: -84.3879824 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "103": uuid: b5589f1b-83f5-4aec-96e4-023acbb9921f city: Bangalore state: Karnataka country: India continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: true floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 12.9715987 longitude: 77.5945627 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "104": uuid: 23f3770b-6441-48d5-89c5-fd6b364972b0 city: Mumbai state: Maharashtra country: India continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 19.0759837 longitude: 72.8776559 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "105": uuid: 7039e7c8-27e3-4b1c-a2f6-5c7144ca8292 city: Paris state: Île-de-France country: France continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 48.856614 longitude: 2.3522219 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "106": uuid: 75e30902-89e2-455d-baec-fe21eabbe80b city: Delhi NCR state: Union territory country: India continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: true floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 28.3636 longitude: 77.1348 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "107": uuid: f6537540-9d73-41f4-9efb-632925e27825 city: Dallas state: Texas country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 32.7766642 longitude: -96.7969879 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "108": uuid: 4a6ebebd-f561-4413-a13f-ecc2d4a285d8 city: New Jersey state: New Jersey country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: true floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 40.0583238 longitude: -74.4056612 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "109": uuid: aca621d2-b040-49cd-92f2-356ac3060b00 city: Frankfurt state: Hessen country: Germany continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 50.1109221 longitude: 8.6821267 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "110": uuid: b3562fa4-487c-459d-9e2f-c2d34e379965 city: Honolulu state: Hawaii country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 21.3069444 longitude: -157.8583333 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "111": uuid: 2d949832-040c-458b-a68e-0c6a64ef2b4f city: Seoul state: Seoul country: South Korea continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 37.566535 longitude: 126.9779692 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "112": uuid: b39efe2a-ba21-48d7-871f-2c01a8c7f55a city: Toronto state: Ontario country: Canada continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 43.653226 longitude: -79.3831843 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "113": uuid: b11e2330-3e7d-4bc6-9ecf-65d611409528 city: Los Angeles state: California country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 34.0522342 longitude: -118.2436849 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "114": uuid: feaf026c-690f-4bfd-aee6-8b5165381820 city: London state: England country: United Kingdom continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 51.5073509 longitude: -0.1277583 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "115": uuid: 079cdc52-e644-42df-ac51-24edf6b1b923 city: Madrid state: Community of Madrid country: Spain continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 40.4167754 longitude: -3.7037902 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "116": uuid: 03cdf3e0-0e74-4b35-b472-08a6ea70a93f city: Melbourne state: Victoria country: Australia continent: Australia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: -37.8136276 longitude: 144.9630576 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "117": uuid: 63973716-65ce-4722-ad33-e7734e3321a1 city: Mexico City state: Mexico City country: Mexico continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 19.4326077 longitude: -99.133208 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "118": uuid: a6ae07ad-556c-4f93-88cc-09c16ed17a43 city: Miami state: Florida country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 25.7616798 longitude: -80.1917902 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "119": uuid: da1baacc-6610-4d7a-a78c-99a93a6a9e49 city: Tokyo state: Tokyo country: Japan continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 35.6761919 longitude: 139.6503106 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "120": uuid: 55df18d0-6287-4fb6-93f4-a6d1928fd19c city: Chicago state: Illinois country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 41.8781136 longitude: -87.6297982 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "121": uuid: f20f5b0d-fb30-4315-a2ad-acb9fd240ce5 city: São Paulo state: Sao Paulo country: Brazil continent: South america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: -22.4584143 longitude: -46.9471993 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "122": uuid: 4a69f19c-8c26-4850-90f0-fca1d7cd8ac0 city: Seattle state: Washington country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 47.6062095 longitude: -122.3320708 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "123": uuid: 126ce9eb-fe94-4f79-87b1-63dd598f8a68 city: Singapore state: Singapore country: Singapore continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: true floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 1.352083 longitude: 103.819836 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "124": uuid: 84fad1d8-be48-4a39-ac14-7556b9f67d18 city: Silicon Valley state: California country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: true floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 37.387474 longitude: -122.0575434 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "125": uuid: ef76ffb1-adbd-425f-98ee-4f744eb7afe6 city: Stockholm state: Stockholm County country: Sweden continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 59.3293235 longitude: 18.0685808 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "126": uuid: 94014a58-3412-4e05-a95e-17f1540258e6 city: Sydney state: New South Wales country: Australia continent: Australia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: -33.8688197 longitude: 151.2092955 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "127": uuid: 23384e6a-e856-46b7-926e-bcbda69e9c0a city: Warsaw state: Masovian Voivodeship country: Poland continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 52.2296756 longitude: 21.0122287 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "128": uuid: ee2b9a82-ff2f-4ab9-afc3-baee8379487a city: Johannesburg state: Gauteng country: South Africa continent: Africa features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: -26.195246 longitude: 28.034088 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "129": uuid: 878e4e9c-6096-44e4-913d-9ae9290a123b city: Santiago state: Santiago Metropolitan Region country: Chile continent: South america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: -33.4488897 longitude: -70.6692655 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "130": uuid: e74cd1e4-ea60-4f45-9bb8-caa21b7ddd2a city: Osaka state: Osaka country: Japan continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 34.6937249 longitude: 135.5022535 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "131": uuid: 6a69ab89-668e-470b-9fbb-f11a85b0bec6 city: Tel Aviv state: Tel Aviv District country: Palestine continent: Middle east features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 32.0852999 longitude: 34.7817676 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc "132": uuid: 48b676e2-b107-4a67-9512-b793d5fd4cc4 city: Manchester state: England country: United Kingdom continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: latitude: 53.4807593 longitude: -2.2426305 is_public: true generation: 1 operator_id: 439fc2dc meta: count: public: north-america: 27 south-america: 3 middle-east: 1 australia: 4 europe: 18 africa: 1 asia: 15 private: north-america: 6 south-america: 0 middle-east: 1 australia: 2 europe: 15 africa: 0 asia: 5 total: 98 cached: true timestamp: 2023-10-19T20:26:51Z region-201: summary: List of all G2 data center regions value: regions: "201": uuid: e8d5d02c-4dbf-423b-b896-96625d2f93a1 city: New York state: New York country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 40.7127753 longitude: -74.0059728 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "202": uuid: 0ddee7d2-efd7-4448-ad41-b99090acb6d5 city: San Francisco state: California country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 37.7749295 longitude: -122.4194155 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "203": uuid: 2d53ead5-4f0d-4cf3-831e-b4d2bfccb689 city: New York state: New York country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 40.7127753 longitude: -74.0059728 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "204": uuid: 860c8d11-b301-4196-8854-2bdf9643654e city: Amsterdam state: North Holland country: Netherlands continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 52.3666969 longitude: 4.8945398 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "205": uuid: 3eeddff7-5dbf-4926-a9bd-f3602b4a1b97 city: Singapore state: Singapore country: Singapore continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 1.352083 longitude: 103.819836 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "206": uuid: 143bcb57-274e-4470-a5bd-a4a63a28e4f4 city: London state: England country: United Kingdom continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 51.5073509 longitude: -0.1277583 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "207": uuid: cf53bae5-9ce9-461e-ad43-6ba2874adefb city: New York state: New York country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 40.7127753 longitude: -74.0059728 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "208": uuid: 9e97f6c2-1cf0-4b65-9772-0264a89ff1aa city: Amsterdam state: North Holland country: Netherlands continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 52.3666969 longitude: 4.8945398 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "209": uuid: 68bdb695-919d-4cfa-a55f-d297b3c63040 city: Frankfurt state: Hessen country: Germany continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 50.1109221 longitude: 8.6821267 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "210": uuid: 71c18c90-f2d7-43d1-9a48-6dc085517f50 city: Toronto state: Ontario country: Canada continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 43.653226 longitude: -79.3831843 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "211": uuid: e973897c-b610-4dab-ba6f-0dc42a7735eb city: San Francisco state: California country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 37.7749295 longitude: -122.4194155 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "212": uuid: f50dfb6b-f230-4d94-aa84-251f6245c21c city: Bangalore state: Karnataka country: India continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 12.9715987 longitude: 77.5945627 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "213": uuid: 41c5dc52-9ec4-45b8-810c-a8b61bcb7295 city: San Francisco state: California country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 37.7749295 longitude: -122.4194155 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null "214": uuid: 46b43c45-06cb-4b8e-a0a7-b881443637a7 city: Sydney state: New South Wales country: Australia continent: Australia features: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: -33.8688197 longitude: 151.2092955 is_public: true generation: 2 operator_id: null meta: count: public: north-america: 27 south-america: 3 middle-east: 1 australia: 4 europe: 18 africa: 1 asia: 15 private: north-america: 6 south-america: 0 middle-east: 1 australia: 2 europe: 15 africa: 0 asia: 5 total: 98 cached: true timestamp: 2023-10-19T20:26:51Z region-301: summary: List of all G3 data center regions value: regions: "301": uuid: 30112e44-b6b3-49de-ad59-85b8d53f49f1 city: Mumbai state: Maharashtra country: India continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: "" latitude: 19.0759837 longitude: 72.8776559 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "302": uuid: 04f58ad2-4e94-45dc-8aa2-e77da8ad3cb4 city: Toronto state: Ontario country: Canada continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: "" latitude: 43.653226 longitude: -79.3831843 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "303": uuid: 0fc0ef74-3f4e-4bb1-a202-786483f23ca3 city: Sydney state: New South Wales country: Australia continent: Australia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: "" latitude: -33.8688197 longitude: 151.2092955 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "304": uuid: b8fd1d95-317c-4bfa-b293-1877b9b7d2cc city: Dallas state: Texas country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 32.7766642 longitude: -96.7969879 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "305": uuid: 568efa6a-0ce5-4a3d-ae78-a00a6c0ac73d city: Fremont state: California country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 37.5485396 longitude: -121.988583 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "306": uuid: b7770e5e-82f9-4260-a5d4-30c7331208f7 city: Atlanta state: Georgia country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 33.7489954 longitude: -84.3879824 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "307": uuid: 9c5e52a2-71b5-43d5-8de0-36c8362ab7b8 city: Newark state: New Jersey country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 40.735657 longitude: -74.1723667 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "308": uuid: 50121d09-43b9-4c9b-b007-5c43f0daf046 city: London state: England country: United Kingdom continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 51.5073509 longitude: -0.1277583 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "309": uuid: ad5da993-97e5-437b-978f-98c0a7a0d9a4 city: Singapore state: Singapore country: Singapore continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 1.352083 longitude: 103.819836 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "310": uuid: 2195d5f7-e7b8-4b95-a6b5-564707831e38 city: Frankfurt state: Hessen country: Germany continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 50.1109221 longitude: 8.6821267 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "311": uuid: c11be50e-bc31-4343-b45a-5b743d8ada14 city: Tokyo state: Tokyo country: Japan continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: "" latitude: 35.6761919 longitude: 139.6503106 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "312": uuid: 411f224a-eb97-43e5-8f59-0853072d3a25 city: Washington DC state: District of Columbia country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: "" latitude: 38.9071923 longitude: -77.0368707 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "313": uuid: 8f80ac82-12dd-45a9-b5f6-9a565b7a14a9 city: Chicago state: Illinois country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 41.8781136 longitude: -87.6297982 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "314": uuid: a0139afd-ee5c-4744-9b0a-ee99bfdeb881 city: Paris state: Île-de-France country: France continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 48.856614 longitude: 2.3522219 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "315": uuid: de02fc0e-af0f-4b9b-99ee-f076055018f2 city: Stockholm state: Stockholm County country: Sweden continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 59.3293235 longitude: 18.0685808 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "316": uuid: 93ab7c98-21ca-4716-a1f5-e169b2a11419 city: Seattle state: Washington country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 47.6062095 longitude: -122.3320708 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "317": uuid: 08405f6a-a579-4269-ba71-7fe6b14c017f city: Milano state: Lombardy country: Italy continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: "" latitude: 45.4642035 longitude: 9.189982 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "318": uuid: a2a6895b-27c8-4220-95e9-41d6ceaacde6 city: Jakarta state: Jakarta country: Indonesia continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: -6.2087634 longitude: 106.845599 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "319": uuid: d4993c3e-50d2-40bf-8242-8dc2fce2207f city: Chennai state: Tamil Nadu country: India continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 13.0826802 longitude: 80.2707184 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "320": uuid: f05e63a7-104f-48cf-b410-33c016b64a51 city: Osaka state: Osaka country: Japan continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 34.6937249 longitude: 135.5022535 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "321": uuid: 4e24ffbb-b44f-4819-9dc1-42dc73fba414 city: São Paulo state: Sao Paulo country: Brazil continent: South america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: "" latitude: -22.4584143 longitude: -46.9471993 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "322": uuid: 15d6e9d5-d63d-41e0-9dc3-99149675d182 city: Amsterdam state: North Holland country: Netherlands continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 52.3666969 longitude: 4.8945398 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d "323": uuid: 6218e819-10b9-4695-9487-115fb0f996e8 city: Miami state: Florida country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: false ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true ping_ip: latitude: 25.7616798 longitude: -80.1917902 is_public: true generation: 3 operator_id: 200e997d meta: count: public: north-america: 27 south-america: 3 middle-east: 1 australia: 4 europe: 18 africa: 1 asia: 15 private: north-america: 6 south-america: 0 middle-east: 1 australia: 2 europe: 15 africa: 0 asia: 5 total: 98 cached: true timestamp: 2023-10-19T20:26:51Z region-401: summary: List of all G4 data center regions value: regions: "401": uuid: bdd3ed48-5756-450f-9693-916145da9c4a city: Sydney state: New South Wales country: Australia continent: Australia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: -33.8688197 longitude: 151.2092955 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "402": uuid: 01aa9db9-312a-4ec1-b3a1-7e579fd3cae5 city: Frankfurt state: Hessen country: Germany continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 50.1109221 longitude: 8.6821267 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "403": uuid: 4b1c5450-6a55-428f-bdaa-add1caf3d9a9 city: Madrid state: Community of Madrid country: Spain continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 40.4167754 longitude: -3.7037902 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "404": uuid: 96e1ec9c-8513-4e86-b415-66ab34dd61df city: Helsinki state: Helsinki country: Finland continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 60.1698557 longitude: 24.9383791 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "405": uuid: f6c8d6c9-1ca4-42e9-ac63-1a9d5095f954 city: Helsinki state: Helsinki country: Finland continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 60.1698557 longitude: 24.9383791 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "406": uuid: 2fe4740c-25bd-47f2-bae3-ade6ffd5c914 city: Amsterdam state: North Holland country: Netherlands continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 52.3666969 longitude: 4.8945398 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "407": uuid: 6d56074d-d3d4-4df7-89ed-6de46a9035dd city: Warsaw state: Masovian Voivodeship country: Poland continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 52.2296756 longitude: 21.0122287 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "408": uuid: 4df50a07-df56-48cd-87e9-37d052115323 city: Singapore state: Singapore country: Singapore continent: Asia features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 1.352083 longitude: 103.819836 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "409": uuid: 2722c2ac-bcb5-4f46-9678-fb234a225df9 city: London state: England country: United Kingdom continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 51.5073509 longitude: -0.1277583 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "410": uuid: 87029a36-80cf-4954-b0de-6c3728bb27b5 city: Chicago state: Illinois country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 41.8781136 longitude: -87.6297982 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "411": uuid: 5aae6202-4e47-4553-8c62-bedc7a2b46a1 city: New York state: New York country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 40.7127753 longitude: -74.0059728 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "412": uuid: 443d95c2-f0a1-4a04-b481-27d290477ade city: San Jose state: California country: United States continent: North america features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 37.3382082 longitude: -121.8863286 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 "413": uuid: 6f7e9d6c-1fe3-40bc-a598-31ae216dd770 city: Stockholm state: Stockholm County country: Sweden continent: Europe features: virtual_private_cloud: false ddos_protection: false block_storage: false object_storage: true floating_ip: false ipv6: false backups: false instances: false custom_iso: false smtp: false ping_ip: "" latitude: 59.3293235 longitude: 18.0685808 is_public: false generation: 4 operator_id: 19eda5e2 meta: count: public: north-america: 27 south-america: 3 middle-east: 1 australia: 4 europe: 18 africa: 1 asia: 15 private: north-america: 6 south-america: 0 middle-east: 1 australia: 2 europe: 15 africa: 0 asia: 5 total: 98 cached: true timestamp: 2023-10-19T20:26:51Z "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" parameters: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /image/list: get: tags: - Public summary: Images description: >- Images serve as raw disk snapshots encompassing elements such as default operating systems, pre-installed applications, server snapshots for duplication, or personalized uploads. For a server to initialize and become operational, it requires an operating system. At 99Stack Cloud, every image includes full `root` access and is free from any preinstalled bloatware, providing a clean and customizable environment. operationId: images parameters: - in: query name: region_id schema: type: integer description: (Optional) Region ID to filter results responses: "200": description: Status OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique identifier for the image object name: type: string description: Name of the disk image object type: type: string description: "Disk image object type: os|app" os_type: type: string description: "Disk image object operating system: linux|freebsd|windows" os_distro: type: string description: Disk image object operating system version or distro regions: type: array description: List of regions were image object is available min_disk_gb: type: number description: Minimal disk size requirements hourly_cost: type: number description: Price per hour, this is the license fee (only applies to proprietary software such as Windows or cPanel) examples: region-1101: summary: E11 software images value: images: "11101": uuid: 0dafb8d5-a72e-4ccc-a9fb-0ab87ed57168 name: Debian 11 x64 (bookworm) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 1101 - 1102 - 1103 - 1104 - 1105 - 1106 - 1107 - 1108 - 1109 - 1110 - 1111 - 1112 - 1113 - 1114 - 1115 - 1116 generation: 11 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "11102": uuid: ad0541a2-ecaf-4688-bfbf-7b7e7a375b3e name: Debian 11 x64 (bullseye) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 1101 - 1102 - 1103 - 1104 - 1105 - 1106 - 1107 - 1108 - 1109 - 1110 - 1111 - 1112 - 1113 - 1114 - 1115 - 1116 generation: 11 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "11103": uuid: c446f510-3755-426f-9e9f-817a6f0f2676 name: Debian 10 x64 (buster) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 1101 - 1102 - 1103 - 1104 - 1105 - 1106 - 1107 - 1108 - 1109 - 1110 - 1111 - 1112 - 1113 - 1114 - 1115 - 1116 generation: 11 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "11104": uuid: 11cf5569-2261-47a7-9fdb-138961412b5c name: CentOS 7 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 1101 - 1102 - 1103 - 1104 - 1105 - 1106 - 1107 - 1108 - 1109 - 1110 - 1111 - 1112 - 1113 - 1114 - 1115 - 1116 generation: 11 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "11105": uuid: d7959abc-a827-4ff7-acad-1775cf4f4203 name: CentOS 8 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 1101 - 1102 - 1103 - 1104 - 1105 - 1106 - 1107 - 1108 - 1109 - 1110 - 1111 - 1112 - 1113 - 1114 - 1115 - 1116 generation: 11 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "11106": uuid: 7a589c5b-f84d-42c6-b178-68a0d129ac96 name: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 1101 - 1102 - 1103 - 1104 - 1105 - 1106 - 1107 - 1108 - 1109 - 1110 - 1111 - 1112 - 1113 - 1114 - 1115 - 1116 generation: 11 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "11107": uuid: c931240c-f5df-4617-8a77-98e86c964b93 name: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 1101 - 1102 - 1103 - 1104 - 1105 - 1106 - 1107 - 1108 - 1109 - 1110 - 1111 - 1112 - 1113 - 1114 - 1115 - 1116 generation: 11 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 region-101: summary: G1 software images value: images: "1101": uuid: 6affdae3-b3c1-4a6a-a768-9e9b6a7b3225 name: Windows 2012 R2 Standard x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1102": uuid: 73d3f1ba-0625-45bc-a51f-77d70a26be88 name: CentOS 7 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1103": uuid: 6af1f692-e949-4c6d-8b66-8316eccb9327 name: Windows 2016 Standard x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1104": uuid: 02cca380-3b56-4ede-91cc-f9f303c9910b name: FreeBSD 12 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: freebsd regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1105": uuid: 9a72c24f-2fd7-4561-b291-10d804c69f38 name: Debian 10 x64 (buster) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1106": uuid: 9b15fed6-4ef1-4980-b625-aeed46ab4cd2 name: Windows 2019 Standard x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1107": uuid: 392a52e4-f77c-40bf-b321-dc2feac356fa name: CentOS 7 SELinux x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1108": uuid: 25dac95b-8f59-4046-bc43-5139636b0e2f name: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1109": uuid: a934c244-755c-46ae-bb0d-6f9f5687038f name: Fedora CoreOS Stable type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora-coreos regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1110": uuid: dcaadad1-cfce-4377-b5b8-1ab025f776e5 name: CentOS 8 Stream x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1111": uuid: 814fd2e8-e45e-4a6d-be1f-6ff86867aaf2 name: Fedora CoreOS Next type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora-coreos regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1112": uuid: 0dfcddb0-440e-467f-85bb-68ca09a5e218 name: Fedora CoreOS Testing type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora-coreos regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1113": uuid: c498f3fe-97c0-4f55-ae8d-ea01a7257205 name: FreeBSD 13 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: freebsd regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1114": uuid: a4ecdd70-4d25-4aa8-81bb-3f9a1e3b0caf name: Rocky Linux x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rockylinux regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1115": uuid: 549a2fac-47d7-43cc-80f2-db498ad6b557 name: AlmaLinux x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: almalinux regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1116": uuid: 6e82b819-7ce2-4396-936a-07b1eb951c88 name: Debian 11 x64 (bullseye) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1117": uuid: 1158e7e1-2c5e-4362-b18e-5e3c2e1f2f1a name: Windows 2022 Standard x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1118": uuid: 72933e3b-31f0-470a-b647-8edc3becf96e name: Windows Core 2022 Standard x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1119": uuid: a9346b00-6833-4c63-8304-afa5de1d5123 name: Windows Core 2016 Standard x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1120": uuid: a1e8154b-d1a4-496e-bad1-d5bd4a3ecbd7 name: Windows Core 2019 Standard x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1121": uuid: 20ca9816-2ba7-4088-b712-eb701c84e4c0 name: Arch Linux x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: arch regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1122": uuid: 2d86377d-4cc3-46c8-9bab-00dd407f8c5b name: CentOS 9 Stream x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1123": uuid: acff539c-0d5c-40d3-8613-b4233b7b4bb8 name: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1124": uuid: c8808071-a31d-448c-b28e-d639de35c0b2 name: Windows Core 2019 Datacenter x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1125": uuid: a4fd4078-8cd5-4f2f-90dc-480f6b73edc9 name: Windows Core 2022 Datacenter x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1126": uuid: 9f273a34-9b22-4b83-8bf8-16e38baa3d1f name: Windows 2019 Datacenter x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1127": uuid: ac6a322d-ba52-4ae8-8c86-5b29066b7d10 name: Windows 2022 Datacenter x64 type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 40 hourly_cost: 0.02739726 "1128": uuid: 8c9eda5b-b5b3-4c9e-99a1-a08e2ff9dba0 name: AlmaLinux 9 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: almalinux regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1129": uuid: 930f7bc7-8c23-40e7-a256-603f3c3803be name: Rocky Linux 9 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rockylinux regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1130": uuid: 639c1115-ab55-4139-a527-f7bb3c1a9570 name: Fedora 37 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1131": uuid: b4106e79-a7db-4401-826a-ac297d59c1b5 name: Flatcar Container Linux LTS x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: flatcar regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1132": uuid: dd32f578-18ca-4be0-827e-4dbfc1c6cf7c name: Alpine Linux x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: alpinelinux regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1133": uuid: 27478279-14ba-4b58-9259-3d43520b0bd1 name: Flatcar Container Linux Stable x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: flatcar regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1134": uuid: d58cabc8-3035-48b6-ac23-f1faccb3fc31 name: Flatcar Container Linux Beta x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: flatcar regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1135": uuid: a89d6642-c31c-4352-9be5-83f4333b37d2 name: Flatcar Container Linux Alpha x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: flatcar regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1136": uuid: 8a376a99-6f6d-4e95-8bbd-68a87649296e name: Ubuntu 23.04 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1137": uuid: 9c93522c-01b6-41b5-9b7c-5266b2a30f37 name: OpenBSD 7.3 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: openbsd regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1138": uuid: 74e70910-9498-4907-9b1e-b8b17993808a name: Fedora 38 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1139": uuid: 907bdcbc-11fe-46b0-8668-4d9ab58048a8 name: Debian 12 x64 (bookworm) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1140": uuid: c324b7cb-6568-4a3f-af89-719932b8cdc7 name: Provider GPU Stack Ubuntu 20.04 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: vultr_gpu_stack regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1141": uuid: 77334823-791b-4a53-a508-ba59387c1287 name: Provider GPU Stack Ubuntu 22.04 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: vultr_gpu_stack regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1142": uuid: 9e6296be-2bb9-43df-bdaa-2b230a2a1f34 name: Ubuntu 23.10 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "1143": uuid: 2d2c33c5-2e3d-4492-b04c-04881c254aa9 name: OpenBSD 7.4 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: openbsd regions: - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 generation: 1 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 meta: total: 43 cached: true timestamp: 2023-10-23T06:52:50Z region-201: summary: G2 software images value: images: "2101": uuid: cac5a8b6-1fcb-4fe7-94f2-45ffae8e7cb5 name: CentOS 7 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 0 hourly_cost: 0 "2102": uuid: e331de42-15a0-4e89-8f10-9286161d1104 name: Debian 10 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 0 hourly_cost: 0 "2103": uuid: 206b8473-9067-4c32-803f-7e37f7e4e041 name: Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2104": uuid: ae35e21b-e08b-4b9d-8ece-895fc8c4c134 name: AlmaLinux AlmaLinux 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: almalinux regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2105": uuid: 67ece000-d425-42a4-ba42-091a02ae9d02 name: Ubuntu 22.10 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2106": uuid: a3521f67-fd45-4d1a-b920-b1e2227ee022 name: Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 0 hourly_cost: 0 "2107": uuid: 64238081-a47c-4ff0-9818-cbc4ba9adcce name: Fedora 36 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2108": uuid: f760acd1-b33e-4ac2-a3d6-9a9269f4f58c name: Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2109": uuid: ab630398-1ce7-4805-b9e1-1587238228b0 name: CentOS 9 Stream x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2110": uuid: 61820c06-bca6-4afc-8408-2090ce967b67 name: Fedora 38 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2111": uuid: c0acd70f-f031-4a5d-9544-720beacf6dce name: AlmaLinux AlmaLinux 9 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: almalinux regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 0 hourly_cost: 0 "2112": uuid: 766e53cf-39a8-4940-a622-7b692a780f6b name: Rocky Linux 9 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rocky_linux regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2113": uuid: a99f0384-2e79-47ff-83cc-2823336a0d25 name: Debian 12 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 0 hourly_cost: 0 "2114": uuid: 5ea7264a-dc76-447c-9e65-787bcc2b6162 name: Rocky Linux 8 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rocky_linux regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2115": uuid: e2489c41-5252-4bb7-a254-b040513ab00d name: Ubuntu 23.04 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2116": uuid: 7f3b57d4-bee2-4531-843b-8b7d4d059775 name: Debian 11 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 0 hourly_cost: 0 "2117": uuid: 31c0d2d3-5645-4c52-932d-887c05885806 name: CentOS 8 Stream x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2118": uuid: 0cd64311-06db-4d10-86cb-7c46a766059d name: Rocky Linux 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rocky_linux regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2119": uuid: 6b001b07-2fa1-4868-bad2-b9a91c04a378 name: Fedora 37 x64 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2201": uuid: 4343e148-2c2b-4bda-9cdc-9b0594cf59b0 name: Netmaker 0.14.6 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2202": uuid: 02b0f5b7-d6a6-4cf3-b963-0a530b3ae1e1 name: Invoice Ninja 5 on Ubuntu 20.0.4 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2203": uuid: c19c6841-0845-4623-b687-860d6fece795 name: AresMUSH 1.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2204": uuid: 96e09e3d-ba36-401a-84f7-9fce37a82bdb name: OpenLiteSpeed Joomla 4.2.2 on Ubuntu 22.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2205": uuid: 43518711-51c2-4b99-930a-7f52f7b475bf name: OpenLiteSpeed Drupal 9.4.7 on Ubuntu 22.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2206": uuid: 3771038e-27da-4917-88f1-caab4baf9528 name: Cloudron 6.0.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "2207": uuid: 254d957a-c80e-4b7d-bb07-e4051c154882 name: PacVim on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2208": uuid: 68468c86-f8e8-4c24-8e3c-13b9a38343ac name: Magento 2 Open Source 1.3.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 6 hourly_cost: 0 "2209": uuid: 480ea5ee-d81d-4dc5-8d22-0803fb57308a name: Magento 2 Open Source 1.6.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 15 hourly_cost: 0 "2210": uuid: 8d301144-2191-4ebd-afe0-7ebe243a948f name: SolidInvoice 2.0.3 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2211": uuid: 4f931551-0a2d-404b-a3d1-e8b6934dd355 name: OpenCart 3.0.3 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2212": uuid: 7ed5164c-e38e-4ae4-b93b-40752b48c0a8 name: Open Unlight 1.0.0.pre1 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2213": uuid: d8fdb770-9d25-40b6-ab7d-e4304b3a7937 name: Supabase Realtime 0.7.5 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2214": uuid: 81c4230c-8888-4c1d-820c-0b837cea53e8 name: RunCloud-18.04 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2215": uuid: 92be5fb5-f34a-4ae2-857b-10211eaf15d0 name: RunCloud-20.04 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2216": uuid: e9d099b1-653d-4cc8-9551-bc594a27c950 name: Erxes 0.17.6 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 5 hourly_cost: 0 "2217": uuid: 7d56da40-7e56-47d6-8911-c02c4c3d5558 name: Supabase Postgres 0.15.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 6 hourly_cost: 0 "2218": uuid: fdb6b16b-5720-4cd1-84ba-47358775d63a name: Flipstarter 1.1.5 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2219": uuid: 313dc688-2ae0-4b05-977f-c709ef501edb name: SRS 4.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 6 hourly_cost: 0 "2220": uuid: 35985fd0-745f-49dd-95dc-4075d3dec7ea name: HollaEx Kit 2.4.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2221": uuid: e65b0bb5-af49-4d71-a6a9-5054fb54b7d7 name: NetFoundry Zero Trust Networking 7.3.0 on CentOS 7.8 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2222": uuid: 3e67e36c-dbb9-4375-a875-5ed62e1194ae name: VitalPBX 3.0.4-1 on Centos 7.8 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2223": uuid: 83c20987-a1d2-40f6-af44-ff7475ae1419 name: Flexify.IO Multi-cloud / Migration 2.12.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2224": uuid: caded33c-b56a-4e07-b324-c58efa08bbca name: NetBox 2.10.4 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2225": uuid: 53d9d8f9-4943-4a48-a639-4be915d1b090 name: Doppler 1.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2226": uuid: e8362cb6-0ae1-4b8d-85da-e208f9fb8a51 name: QloApps 1.5.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 7 hourly_cost: 0 "2227": uuid: 154d8404-7164-4e9a-8b4c-c3bb8e69d46c name: WireSpeed VPN 1.1.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2228": uuid: 2fa6539f-8ff5-40f9-88be-d9289973cec2 name: ApisCP 3.2 on CentOS 8.2 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 9 hourly_cost: 0 "2229": uuid: 9f75470d-1cd1-4d69-ac88-4a231a1d9ac0 name: Web-WordPress 5.7 on 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2230": uuid: c9e2f72e-7ac3-448e-8950-8a1c26ed9eb6 name: AutoPanel - Wordpress Automation 1 on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2231": uuid: 2b26671e-90b4-48bc-b6d9-dbfd0452c6f1 name: Django 3.2 LTS 3.2.4 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2232": uuid: 6fbf3bd6-d96d-41b3-af60-045cc265afdc name: gutiumtestapp333 1 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2233": uuid: 7d0460c6-888a-468e-9ee5-7d5e27e4d92d name: Hyperledger Fabric Cloud Lab 1.4.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2234": uuid: ec2b8a6c-ce24-4ec4-8ec4-98db4201b4ea name: ISPmanager 6.8.2 on CentOS 7.x type: app os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2235": uuid: 60474efa-72d1-4e4d-93a3-6ab900df6e5c name: Owncast on Debian 10 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2236": uuid: 7b14a62b-10cd-4a16-bc3a-c19c58223715 name: Open Source Social Network 6.1.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2237": uuid: 586cbf75-ed5d-41af-a255-0f3b0cf27453 name: Flexify.IO Multi-cloud / Migration 2.12.8 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2238": uuid: 6f6206bb-54c1-4579-ba4f-57ded5c6798e name: Restyaboard 1.7.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2239": uuid: e27a1fce-0083-452d-b788-1e163b736d15 name: LiveSwitch Server on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2240": uuid: 772f7cdf-763d-4980-9b7c-0f44f8a425f7 name: PyboxTech-Med 1.76.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 6 hourly_cost: 0 "2241": uuid: 1a17cdb0-eeca-4d32-92e0-406e1862e3a9 name: Skaffolder 3.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 5 hourly_cost: 0 "2242": uuid: 137ddeb9-1883-4126-8dfd-59dcdb09daae name: Izenda 3.3.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2243": uuid: bb91a2dd-e722-4f9b-9361-091328ab984e name: QCObjects 2.1.157 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2244": uuid: 51a5b05f-6cb1-4977-bd82-1b102a70fc28 name: Fathom on 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2245": uuid: 381f1386-a509-46da-ba81-45a052d4295c name: WorkflowServer 2.5 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2246": uuid: 3e06a52b-fb67-495a-84f7-14088fa7b939 name: Nimbella Lite on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 5 hourly_cost: 0 "2247": uuid: 3efdc260-635d-4ecb-915c-dea90c982899 name: Snapt Aria 2.0.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2248": uuid: 2b5070e6-31c2-42d9-80ee-199e9c551a4a name: Snapt Nova ADC (Load Balancer, WAF) 1.0.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2249": uuid: f43bc6c2-cbac-4b57-9228-d07fa0c72838 name: WeconexPBX 2.4-1 on CentOS 7.6 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2250": uuid: 5691029a-a77e-4310-94fb-c4fbf0c048c4 name: Buddy on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "2251": uuid: 8671be9c-626a-4c73-b2dd-661a383ef85b name: "Minecraft: Java Edition Server 1.0 on Ubuntu 18.04" type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2252": uuid: 5893d7b0-aec2-45dd-8749-6fbf2316ca20 name: Selenoid 1.10.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 4 hourly_cost: 0 "2253": uuid: 2ba92dcf-61a9-4c78-876c-215cb7cd2803 name: OpenLiteSpeed NodeJS 12.16.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2254": uuid: 87b8f041-4ae3-4091-bb0c-6b553a140c82 name: FreePBX® 15 on CentOS 7.6 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 8 hourly_cost: 0 "2255": uuid: a827189b-49be-496e-98d8-38e92c6e0294 name: Repman 0.4.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2256": uuid: b5bc844a-f54e-42fe-aa62-4c16ea3dd8a8 name: Strapi 3.1.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2257": uuid: 9f606c04-1f63-4c6f-8982-d5938eccb9f9 name: Purdm 0.3a on Ubuntu 18.04 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 2 hourly_cost: 0 "2258": uuid: 46e7f425-be53-4193-ae78-ca0a09a0d7b2 name: SearchBlox Enterprise Search 9.2.1 on CentOS 7.6 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 5 hourly_cost: 0 "2259": uuid: 611ea927-e006-4ede-a2c4-dc32c2322440 name: Vodia Multi-tenant Cloud PBX 66 on Debian 10 x64 type: app os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 1 hourly_cost: 0 "2260": uuid: 296b6a67-e908-4fcc-8eb0-dd7b960a0191 name: Gluu Server CE 4.2.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) type: app os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 generation: 2 min_disk_gb: 4 hourly_cost: 0 meta: total: 79 cached: false timestamp: 2023-10-23T06:55:03Z region-301: summary: G3 software images value: images: "3101": uuid: 855b915c-9adb-4eba-b45f-781f500618b7 name: AlmaLinux 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: almalinux regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3102": uuid: 51409ea3-2db2-4ad3-aba4-c4b29324095b name: AlmaLinux 9 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: almalinux regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3103": uuid: 425f0047-4dbc-4c21-8964-9fb4cc3929b8 name: Alpine 3.14 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: alpine regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3104": uuid: a23deaa9-b610-498e-a48a-e2fb281bcf69 name: Alpine 3.15 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: alpine regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3105": uuid: 35e78949-da29-415e-8510-5b9260771870 name: Alpine 3.16 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: alpine regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3106": uuid: 51195009-b763-4764-9117-2abbd6e27ae8 name: Alpine 3.17 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: alpine regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3107": uuid: 6197efc1-fb94-4278-8df9-cf98eb27b0fc name: Alpine 3.18 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: alpine regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3108": uuid: c4151e90-fb65-435f-9e02-854e024a35fa name: Arch Linux type: os os_type: linux os_distro: arch regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3109": uuid: 60636d20-5d59-47e1-96e3-058a107b29bd name: CentOS 7 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3110": uuid: da5b07e5-ecbf-4095-96b6-b82fae13d1fe name: CentOS Stream 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3111": uuid: d113b0e8-a426-4173-8103-ad354d626cc4 name: CentOS Stream 9 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3112": uuid: 9eb3be94-5cc7-4797-83cd-b9f9d0893fe0 name: Debian 10 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3113": uuid: d0e81688-b5b8-4d55-916a-6228a1744d0e name: Debian 11 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3114": uuid: 729f5d5b-8115-4beb-ac9f-7c4369a453f3 name: Debian 12 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3115": uuid: 79e134a2-e6f9-4086-944c-8b06eb4a35ba name: Fedora 36 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3116": uuid: 934fe726-f8d3-4e1d-af7a-c313c466863a name: Fedora 37 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3117": uuid: 40f3e0bd-235b-4463-ad14-ae81484a946b name: Fedora 38 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: fedora regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3118": uuid: 6586e903-215e-48f2-8b6a-abbf07577fca name: Gentoo type: os os_type: linux os_distro: gentoo regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3119": uuid: c0ad5e4c-24ef-4f64-ada1-8ad7c3693c0b name: Kali Linux type: os os_type: linux os_distro: kali regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3120": uuid: 7db5116f-b671-46eb-a36b-1fafadb786a6 name: Kubernetes 1.25.4 on Debian 11 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3121": uuid: 9ed851d8-33db-4e4c-b81b-f79031760a76 name: Kubernetes 1.26.1 on Debian 11 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3122": uuid: bddd8853-9879-4a37-a2d5-a4f5e0b4144d name: Kubernetes 1.26.3 on Debian 11 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3123": uuid: 27db7aab-6bac-4666-ba68-fecb1727f08a name: Kubernetes 1.27.5 on Debian 11 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3124": uuid: c8827b83-717b-41c2-b89c-8b539be3be4b name: openSUSE Leap 15.5 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: opensuse regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3125": uuid: a72afe74-ac9a-490e-a1c5-ecb710f6c833 name: openSUSE Leap 15.4 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: opensuse regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3126": uuid: 1c5922bf-6247-487b-870c-2fc234ce3fc4 name: Rocky Linux 9 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rocky regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3127": uuid: 8948a031-ef64-4bf6-85f3-84dfdfec88a4 name: Rocky Linux 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rocky regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3128": uuid: fd321ce6-ad64-4cb5-9383-b12c05ef600c name: Slackware 14.2 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: slackware regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3129": uuid: 0670735a-b109-4bf8-bee8-b5d21b66a04c name: Slackware 15.0 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: slackware regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3130": uuid: f6f16180-3713-48ad-917f-680528f8e6b8 name: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3131": uuid: 957fe467-a230-44b9-9e19-1a325b626f12 name: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3132": uuid: 8069be87-6acf-4275-ba48-b5d9c529f858 name: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3133": uuid: 6ed112c1-9b33-43c3-be81-2aaa82dac0a6 name: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3134": uuid: 0c475ce4-ef76-4120-aaa9-4dfca0283949 name: Ubuntu 22.10 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3135": uuid: c22d5874-eda4-42b3-bee4-48eed7475787 name: Ubuntu 23.04 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3136": uuid: 16d2009f-1598-4cc8-bbbb-2cce9d100c15 name: Ubuntu 23.10 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3137": uuid: a11b0943-2124-490d-a128-969bd1e7cb84 name: Debian 9 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 317 - 318 - 319 - 320 - 321 - 322 - 323 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3138": uuid: 854c4e46-c232-4fb5-a3b9-364a9b6443f3 name: openSUSE Leap 15.2 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: opensuse regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3139": uuid: 4965d1ca-8c1f-4c84-b04a-296ede142601 name: Slackware 14.1 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: slackware regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 "3140": uuid: bd412cee-6481-4cc7-bd22-d2486a416b8f name: Ubuntu 21.04 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 - 311 generation: 3 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0 meta: total: 40 cached: false timestamp: 2023-10-23T06:56:06Z region-401: summary: G4 software images value: images: "4101": uuid: 17aa1e1d-9e9d-4264-8f5a-f179ee1fd4f8 name: Windows Server 2016 Datacenter type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 28 hourly_cost: 0.02465753 "4102": uuid: 9279dd69-407f-445c-bccf-709668596f77 name: Windows Server 2016 Standard type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 29 hourly_cost: 0.02465753 "4103": uuid: 4b973590-5d49-47fe-937e-21098cc99508 name: Windows Server 2019 Datacenter type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0.02465753 "4104": uuid: da96074d-8a70-443c-aee2-9ec7604eb811 name: Windows Server 2019 Standard type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 25 hourly_cost: 0.02465753 "4105": uuid: 666a0f6f-86b4-4958-a420-037c119ca8d6 name: Windows Server 2022 Datacenter type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 18 hourly_cost: 0.02465753 "4106": uuid: 3a8d9ca7-e9cd-4b57-b3fb-1d0b92d6dd1f name: Windows Server 2022 Standard type: os os_type: windows os_distro: windows regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 18 hourly_cost: 0.02465753 "4107": uuid: c3b1b6ef-2e63-40e9-a50b-b0d3e07409e2 name: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "4108": uuid: a87917ab-6e9b-451c-a1fb-25f8daa4f3ab name: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "4109": uuid: 6f9df30c-3944-4198-9889-e1c377412fe8 name: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (Bookworm) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: debian regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "4110": uuid: a551959f-5922-4c52-9105-30a307a2d9d4 name: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 4 hourly_cost: 0 "4111": uuid: 5798ef36-644a-4596-b69a-635b6e5b6ef3 name: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 4 hourly_cost: 0 "4112": uuid: 5bac6b27-f512-483e-b741-a18ed9a13b62 name: Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) type: os os_type: linux os_distro: ubuntu regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "4113": uuid: 62ce1cc3-b6de-429b-832a-8b020a34c79c name: CentOS 7 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "4114": uuid: 59f4b96e-85f0-47b2-a558-331091a93ce8 name: CentOS 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "4115": uuid: b02e0a8e-6f8b-4625-9a2f-f0a9524b6b00 name: CentOS Stream 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "4116": uuid: 11a8b69e-fb11-42ed-a2b0-a9b0c943324b name: CentOS Stream 9 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: centos regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 5 hourly_cost: 0 "4117": uuid: 534c08fc-bc40-4f26-83c0-828de64e4e7f name: Plesk Obsidian type: os os_type: linux os_distro: plesk regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 5 hourly_cost: 0 "4118": uuid: eccda834-5356-497c-b448-1fb02ed74710 name: AlmaLinux 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: almalinux regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "4119": uuid: ef91a33b-c0e0-44eb-963c-e9a6fd127e43 name: AlmaLinux 9 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: almalinux regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "4120": uuid: fcc907b0-6f06-4b34-a526-9f7c34429ead name: Rocky Linux 8 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rocky regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 3 hourly_cost: 0 "4121": uuid: 80d990a4-af3a-47e6-8f45-1103ac04f0d1 name: Rocky Linux 9 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: rocky regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "4122": uuid: b8a90e43-8102-4410-8ad5-a5ff536f757c name: UpCloud K8s type: os os_type: linux os_distro: upcloud regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 "4123": uuid: 850dd991-7cfb-43ae-a719-d2ed6e36233f name: UpCloud K8s 1.26 type: os os_type: linux os_distro: upcloud regions: - 401 - 402 - 403 - 404 - 405 - 406 - 407 - 408 - 409 - 410 - 411 - 412 - 413 generation: 4 min_disk_gb: 10 hourly_cost: 0 meta: total: 23 cached: false timestamp: 2023-10-23T06:57:39Z "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /plan/list: get: tags: - Public summary: Plans description: >- A server plan comprises a predetermined selection of accessible hardware components, including CPU cores, memory capacity, disk storage, and allocated bandwidth quotas. Every server operates within a virtual environment powered by the KVM hypervisor. This strategic implementation guarantees the precise allocation of hardware resources, ensuring optimal performance without any interference from neighboring servers across all available plans. This means that you can count on a consistently smooth and reliable computing experience, regardless of the specific plan you choose within the 99Stack Cloud infrastructure. Plan IDs are composed of three parts. The first digit denotes the legal jurisdiction and corresponding data centers. The second digit specifies the plan's optimization focus. The last two digits represent the unique Plan ID for sorting by size or resources. This format ensures efficient categorization and selection of plans. operationId: plans parameters: - in: query name: region_id schema: type: integer description: (Optional) Region ID to filter results responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique identifier for the plan object name: type: string description: Display name for this plan windows: type: boolean description: Indicates if this plan can run Windows server cpu: type: integer description: Number of CPU cores on this plan ram: type: integer description: Amount of RAM on this plan in megabytes disk: type: integer description: Amount of disk space on this plan in gigabytes bandwidth: type: integer description: Bandwidth limit in terabytes for this plan, bandwidth usage up to this limit is free of charge. Zero means that there is no bandwidth limit or additional fees price_per_hour: type: number description: The price of this plan per hour (reduced to 16 decimals) price_per_month: type: number description: The estimated price of this plan per month (hourly price multiplied by 730 hours). examples: region-101: summary: Plans available in a G1 data center value: plans: "1101": uuid: 3230313a-3433-4937-b465-643734303636 name: gen1-standard-1 windows: false cpu: 1 ram: 1024 disk: 25 bandwidth: 1 price_per_hour: 0.0136986301369863 price_per_month: 10 "1102": uuid: 3230323a-6331-4765-a461-616538366534 name: gen1-standard-2 windows: false cpu: 1 ram: 2048 disk: 55 bandwidth: 2 price_per_hour: 0.0273972602739726 price_per_month: 20 "1103": uuid: 3230333a-3436-4231-a331-643535666134 name: gen1-standard-3 windows: false cpu: 2 ram: 4096 disk: 80 bandwidth: 3 price_per_hour: 0.0547945205479452 price_per_month: 40 "1104": uuid: 3230343a-6663-4536-a462-633664343635 name: gen1-standard-4 windows: false cpu: 4 ram: 8192 disk: 160 bandwidth: 4 price_per_hour: 0.1095890410958904 price_per_month: 80 "1105": uuid: 3230353a-6638-4830-b961-666634643639 name: gen1-standard-5 windows: false cpu: 6 ram: 16384 disk: 320 bandwidth: 5 price_per_hour: 0.2191780821917808 price_per_month: 160 "1106": uuid: 3230363a-3563-4634-a532-366264336438 name: gen1-standard-6 windows: false cpu: 8 ram: 32768 disk: 640 bandwidth: 6 price_per_hour: 0.4383561643835616 price_per_month: 320 "1107": uuid: 3230373a-3936-4830-b736-626532653338 name: gen1-standard-7 windows: false cpu: 16 ram: 65536 disk: 1280 bandwidth: 10 price_per_hour: 0.8767123287671232 price_per_month: 640 "1401": uuid: 66353263-6462-4336-b466-623561333235 name: gen1-compute-1 windows: false cpu: 1 ram: 1024 disk: 32 bandwidth: 1 price_per_hour: 0.0164383561643836 price_per_month: 12 "1402": uuid: 38653835-3530-4531-a633-643631346236 name: gen1-compute-2 windows: false cpu: 1 ram: 2048 disk: 64 bandwidth: 2 price_per_hour: 0.0328767123287671 price_per_month: 24 "1403": uuid: 65613233-3234-4534-b762-636464626133 name: gen1-compute-3 windows: false cpu: 2 ram: 4096 disk: 128 bandwidth: 3 price_per_hour: 0.0657534246575342 price_per_month: 48 "1404": uuid: 33383937-3835-4364-b961-653466396161 name: gen1-compute-4 windows: false cpu: 3 ram: 8192 disk: 256 bandwidth: 4 price_per_hour: 0.13150684931506848 price_per_month: 96 meta: total: 11 region-201: summary: Plans available in a G2 data center value: plans: "2101": uuid: 63303439-6435-4262-b165-393363346463 name: gen2-standard-1 windows: false cpu: 1 ram: 1024 disk: 25 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.0136986301369863 price_per_month: 10 "2102": uuid: 62316361-3766-4336-a335-316631666335 name: gen2-standard-2 windows: false cpu: 1 ram: 2048 disk: 50 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.0273972602739726 price_per_month: 20 "2103": uuid: 37363735-6136-4431-a662-386338643838 name: gen2-standard-3 windows: false cpu: 1 ram: 3072 disk: 60 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.0410958904109589 price_per_month: 30 "2104": uuid: 64336165-3564-4135-a335-623232646137 name: gen2-standard-4 windows: false cpu: 2 ram: 2048 disk: 60 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.0410958904109589 price_per_month: 30 "2105": uuid: 31363562-3737-4964-a235-383365666134 name: gen2-standard-5 windows: false cpu: 3 ram: 1024 disk: 60 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.0410958904109589 price_per_month: 30 "2106": uuid: 35356263-3438-4563-b036-653064363133 name: gen2-standard-6 windows: false cpu: 2 ram: 4096 disk: 80 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.0547945205479452 price_per_month: 40 "2107": uuid: 63343737-6135-4237-a666-386531373436 name: gen2-standard-8 windows: false cpu: 4 ram: 8192 disk: 160 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.1095890410958904 price_per_month: 80 "2108": uuid: 63626365-3362-4462-b664-373933316166 name: gen2-standard-9 windows: false cpu: 6 ram: 16384 disk: 320 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.2191780821917808 price_per_month: 160 "2109": uuid: 30386361-3035-4333-b464-666639316133 name: gen2-standard-10 windows: false cpu: 8 ram: 32768 disk: 640 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.4383561643835616 price_per_month: 320 "2110": uuid: 61656232-3231-4533-b039-316133393863 name: gen2-standard-7 windows: false cpu: 12 ram: 49152 disk: 960 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.6575342465753424 price_per_month: 480 "2111": uuid: 65363630-3136-4964-b137-363735313534 name: gen2-performance-1 windows: false cpu: 16 ram: 65536 disk: 1280 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.8767123287671232 price_per_month: 640 "2112": uuid: 66336138-3732-4033-b537-626236363339 name: gen2-performance-2 windows: false cpu: 20 ram: 98304 disk: 1920 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 1.3150684931506849 price_per_month: 960 "2113": uuid: 36353730-3163-4535-a163-386162336362 name: gen2-performance-3 windows: false cpu: 24 ram: 131072 disk: 2560 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 1.7534246575342465 price_per_month: 1280 "2114": uuid: 35383438-6564-4963-b330-663431363361 name: gen2-performance-5 windows: false cpu: 32 ram: 196608 disk: 3840 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 2.6301369863013697 price_per_month: 1920 "2201": uuid: 30313334-3132-4366-b434-363331386637 name: gen2-compute-1 windows: false cpu: 2 ram: 4096 disk: 25 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.1095890410958904 price_per_month: 80 "2202": uuid: 32663631-3161-4066-b736-623366653965 name: gen2-compute-2 windows: false cpu: 4 ram: 8192 disk: 50 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.2191780821917808 price_per_month: 160 "2203": uuid: 32313566-6438-4437-a239-336533623662 name: gen2-compute-3 windows: false cpu: 8 ram: 16384 disk: 100 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.4383561643835616 price_per_month: 320 "2204": uuid: 39626139-3639-4634-a539-343337353233 name: gen2-compute-4 windows: false cpu: 16 ram: 32768 disk: 200 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.8767123287671232 price_per_month: 640 "2205": uuid: 64396533-3766-4463-a437-633765393233 name: gen2-compute-5 windows: false cpu: 32 ram: 65536 disk: 400 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 1.7534246575342465 price_per_month: 1280 "2301": uuid: 38303731-6637-4131-b561-336665613161 name: gen2-memory-1 windows: false cpu: 1 ram: 8192 disk: 40 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.1095890410958904 price_per_month: 80 "2302": uuid: 33656237-6662-4261-a633-366662623631 name: gen2-memory-2 windows: false cpu: 2 ram: 16384 disk: 60 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.2054794520547945 price_per_month: 150 "2303": uuid: 64376566-3638-4539-b465-666536653861 name: false windows: false cpu: 2 ram: 16384 disk: 50 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.2465753424657534 price_per_month: 180 "2304": uuid: 37643665-3961-4630-b634-666530373331 name: gen2-memory-3 windows: false cpu: 4 ram: 32768 disk: 90 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.410958904109589 price_per_month: 300 "2305": uuid: 61643936-3461-4133-b434-623734343462 name: false windows: false cpu: 4 ram: 32768 disk: 100 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.4931506849315068 price_per_month: 360 "2306": uuid: 33336361-6635-4564-b563-313161316333 name: gen2-memory-4 windows: false cpu: 8 ram: 65536 disk: 200 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.821917808219178 price_per_month: 600 "2307": uuid: 38353866-6363-4639-b733-343836346637 name: false windows: false cpu: 8 ram: 65536 disk: 200 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.9863013698630136 price_per_month: 720 "2308": uuid: 61316236-6664-4064-b233-613761363263 name: gen2-memory-5 windows: false cpu: 16 ram: 131072 disk: 340 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 1.643835616438356 price_per_month: 1200 "2309": uuid: 38363730-3535-4638-a435-363439363430 name: false windows: false cpu: 16 ram: 131072 disk: 400 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 1.9726027397260273 price_per_month: 1440 "2310": uuid: 37393961-6665-4161-a136-653939313063 name: false windows: false cpu: 24 ram: 196608 disk: 600 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 2.958904109589041 price_per_month: 2160 "2311": uuid: 66623935-3266-4930-a430-353961663564 name: gen2-memory-6 windows: false cpu: 32 ram: 229376 disk: 500 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 3.0136986301369864 price_per_month: 2200 "2401": uuid: 33613362-3737-4236-b066-363935326131 name: gen2-general-purpose-1 windows: false cpu: 2 ram: 8192 disk: 25 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.1643835616438356 price_per_month: 120 "2402": uuid: 38303631-3563-4162-b364-303265346335 name: gen2-general-purpose-2 windows: false cpu: 4 ram: 16384 disk: 50 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.3287671232876712 price_per_month: 240 "2403": uuid: 37653063-3864-4735-b464-646233343662 name: gen2-general-purpose-3 windows: false cpu: 8 ram: 32768 disk: 100 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 0.6575342465753424 price_per_month: 480 "2404": uuid: 32346466-3732-4637-b761-613761613566 name: gen2-general-purpose-4 windows: false cpu: 16 ram: 65536 disk: 200 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 1.3150684931506849 price_per_month: 960 "2405": uuid: 62663564-3435-4761-a663-663038323561 name: false windows: false cpu: 32 ram: 131072 disk: 400 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 2.6301369863013697 price_per_month: 1920 "2406": uuid: 31303136-3037-4238-b436-363139633636 name: false windows: false cpu: 40 ram: 163840 disk: 500 bandwidth: 0 price_per_hour: 3.287671232876712 price_per_month: 2400 meta: total: 36 region-301: summary: Plans available in a G3 data center value: plans: "3101": uuid: 34616262-3634-4465-a636-613066363461 name: optimized-1 type: optimized cpu: 1 ram: 1024 disk: 25 bandwidth: 1 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.01369863 price_per_month: 10 "3111": uuid: 61663836-3266-4231-b130-376435393161 name: standard-1 type: standard cpu: 1 ram: 2048 disk: 50 bandwidth: 2 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.02739726 price_per_month: 20 "3112": uuid: 34613539-3335-4233-b762-636235363466 name: standard-2 type: standard cpu: 2 ram: 4096 disk: 80 bandwidth: 4 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.04931507 price_per_month: 36 "3113": uuid: 34313335-3635-4632-b665-313265656231 name: standard-3 type: standard cpu: 4 ram: 8192 disk: 160 bandwidth: 5 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.09863014 price_per_month: 72 "3114": uuid: 64626332-3238-4261-b132-356561383635 name: standard-4 type: standard cpu: 6 ram: 16384 disk: 320 bandwidth: 8 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.19726027 price_per_month: 144 "3115": uuid: 31313237-3731-4333-b564-636566323261 name: standard-5 type: standard cpu: 8 ram: 32768 disk: 640 bandwidth: 16 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.35068493 price_per_month: 256 "3116": uuid: 31613763-3561-4234-a532-303763353234 name: standard-6 type: standard cpu: 16 ram: 65536 disk: 1280 bandwidth: 20 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.70136986 price_per_month: 512 "3117": uuid: 30326335-6638-4132-b138-353363396337 name: standard-7 type: standard cpu: 20 ram: 98304 disk: 1920 bandwidth: 20 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 1.05205479 price_per_month: 768 "3118": uuid: 64616134-3639-4439-b639-346638323633 name: standard-8 type: standard cpu: 24 ram: 131072 disk: 2560 bandwidth: 20 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 1.40273973 price_per_month: 1024 "3119": uuid: 30343965-3566-4162-a437-313761613230 name: standard-9 type: standard cpu: 32 ram: 196608 disk: 3840 bandwidth: 20 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 2.10410959 price_per_month: 1536 "3201": uuid: 30663165-3130-4663-b533-613635636331 name: dedicated-1 type: dedicated cpu: 2 ram: 4096 disk: 80 bandwidth: 4 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.0739726 price_per_month: 54 "3202": uuid: 37646365-6163-4433-b634-653432656430 name: dedicated-2 type: dedicated cpu: 4 ram: 8192 disk: 160 bandwidth: 5 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.14794521 price_per_month: 108 "3203": uuid: 39363036-6666-4739-b633-373432333538 name: dedicated-3 type: dedicated cpu: 8 ram: 16384 disk: 320 bandwidth: 6 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.2630137 price_per_month: 192 "3204": uuid: 65663534-6364-4532-a563-336662633963 name: dedicated-4 type: dedicated cpu: 16 ram: 32768 disk: 640 bandwidth: 7 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.5260274 price_per_month: 384 "3205": uuid: 31656238-3362-4338-b462-646365383930 name: dedicated-5 type: dedicated cpu: 32 ram: 65536 disk: 1280 bandwidth: 8 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 1.05205479 price_per_month: 768 "3206": uuid: 61326563-6133-4534-b666-336461306439 name: dedicated-6 type: dedicated cpu: 48 ram: 98304 disk: 1920 bandwidth: 9 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 1.57808219 price_per_month: 1152 "3301": uuid: 30626539-6634-4531-b734-376531386434 name: memory-1 type: memory cpu: 1 ram: 24576 disk: 20 bandwidth: 5 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.14794521 price_per_month: 108 "3302": uuid: 31663462-3131-4237-a434-656663343734 name: memory-2 type: memory cpu: 2 ram: 49152 disk: 40 bandwidth: 6 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.2630137 price_per_month: 192 "3303": uuid: 61656637-3466-4462-b262-623566336331 name: memory-3 type: memory cpu: 4 ram: 92160 disk: 90 bandwidth: 7 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 0.5260274 price_per_month: 384 "3304": uuid: 65356432-3664-4633-a433-343730346666 name: memory-4 type: memory cpu: 8 ram: 153600 disk: 200 bandwidth: 8 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 1.05205479 price_per_month: 768 "3305": uuid: 36393630-3564-4430-b765-333866363065 name: memory-5 type: memory cpu: 16 ram: 307200 disk: 340 bandwidth: 9 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 2.10410959 price_per_month: 1536 "3401": uuid: 63393830-6362-4636-b261-356661366265 name: gpu-1 type: gpu cpu: 8 ram: 32768 disk: 640 bandwidth: 16 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 2.19178082 price_per_month: 1600 "3402": uuid: 65643432-6135-4633-b531-616262393936 name: gpu-2 type: gpu cpu: 16 ram: 65536 disk: 1280 bandwidth: 20 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 3.83561644 price_per_month: 2800 "3403": uuid: 65386263-3965-4335-b138-373561353266 name: gpu-3 type: gpu cpu: 20 ram: 98304 disk: 1920 bandwidth: 20 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 4.93150685 price_per_month: 3600 "3404": uuid: 33343132-6261-4434-b963-326336663262 name: gpu-4 type: gpu cpu: 24 ram: 131072 disk: 2560 bandwidth: 20 regions: - 301 - 302 - 303 - 304 - 305 - 306 - 307 - 308 - 309 - 310 generation: 3 price_per_hour: 6.02739726 price_per_month: 4400 "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /availability/list: get: tags: - Public summary: Availibility description: >- This function provides the availability percentage for each server jurisdiction. A value of 0.00 indicates that it is sold out, while any value above 0.00 up to 1.00 signifies that servers are in stock. A higher value indicates a greater stock availability. This feature is particularly useful when planning to deploy a substantial number of servers, especially over 100, as it helps preemptively address potential stock shortages for your selected jurisdiction. This way, you can avoid potential request failures due to stock limitations. operationId: availibility parameters: [] responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: GEN_1: type: number description: Availibility of G1 servers GEN_2: type: number description: Availibility of G2 servers GEN_3: type: number description: Availibility of G3 servers GEN_4: type: number description: Availibility of G4 servers ENT_11: type: number description: Availibility of E11 servers examples: current-resp: summary: Server instance availibility value: providers: GEN_1: 0.46 GEN_2: 0.37 GEN_3: 0.54 GEN_4: 0.84 ENT_11: 0.98 "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false "/feature/list/{region_id}": get: tags: - Public summary: Features description: This function serves as a swift means to acquire information about the available features in a particular data center. It's worth noting that the range of available features may differ between data centers located within the same jurisdiction. operationId: features parameters: - in: path name: region_id schema: type: integer required: true description: Region ID to list available features responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: virtual_private_cloud: type: boolean description: Enable VPC to setup secure isolated private networks. ddos_protection: type: boolean description: Enable additional DDoS protection in the same datacenter block_storage: type: boolean description: Ability to add additional NVMe/HDD storage to your server object_storage: type: boolean description: Ability to store files as objects on S3 compatible object storage floating_ip: type: boolean description: Ability to attach additional IPv4/IPv6 addresses to your server ipv6: type: boolean description: Enable IPv6 networking to support dual stack networking backups: type: boolean description: Enable automatic backups to protect your server files and software instances: type: boolean description: Ability to deploy server instances VPS/VDS/VDI or bare metal custom_iso: type: boolean description: Ability to upload and install custom ISO images smtp: type: boolean description: Ability to open port 25 and send emails directly from your server examples: region-101: summary: Features available in G1 regions value: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: true floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false region-201: summary: Features available in G2 regions value: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false region-301: summary: Features available in G3 regions value: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: false smtp: true region-401: summary: Features available in G4 regions value: virtual_private_cloud: true ddos_protection: true block_storage: true object_storage: false floating_ip: true ipv6: true backups: true instances: true custom_iso: true smtp: false "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /database/list: get: tags: - Database summary: List databases description: This endpoint is designed to offer users a comprehensive overview of all databases associated with their account. From database names to various metadata, users can access a wealth of details to better understand their database landscape and optimize their usage accordingly. operationId: database-list parameters: [] responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: databases: type: object description: Databases object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique uuid identified for database. region: type: number description: Region ID were database is located. usage: type: object description: Databases object properties: queries: type: number description: number of read requests last hour. updates: type: number description: number of write requests last hour. conn: type: number description: number of connections last hour. limits: type: object description: Databases object properties: queries: type: number description: max number of read requests. updates: type: number description: max number of write requests. conn: type: number description: max number of connections. name: type: string description: Name of database. user: type: string description: Database user. password: type: string description: Database password. db_type: type: string description: Type of database and version. host_url: type: string description: Host url used to access database server. host_port: type: number description: Port used to access database server. manager_url: type: string description: URL to the phpMyAdmin management interface. certificate: type: string description: URL to download a self signed TLS certificate for the server. created: type: string description: Date created in UTC format examples: example-1: summary: List of active databases value: databases: - uuid: e345066a-8dd4-4eea-bee1-fc522e98c64a region: 1101 usage: queries: 0 updates: 0 conn: 0 limits: queries: 70000 updates: 1000 conn: 150 name: zrh_cxxxxx_123456 user: zrh_cxxxxx_123456 passwd: zrh_87c10db2706020f043440743109e090... db_type: mariadb-11.1.3 host_url: host_port: 11000 manager_url: https://... certificate: https://... created: 2024-03-17T12:51:23Z - uuid: cd63290f-de10-4265-8c13-3089d34e353a region: 1101 usage: queries: 0 updates: 0 conn: 0 limits: queries: 6000000 updates: 100000 conn: 500 name: zrh_cxxxxx_456789 user: zrh_cxxxxx_456789 passwd: zrh_b6baea962411782a2783f1278b5ec30... db_type: mariadb-11.1.3 host_url: host_port: 11000 manager_url: https://... certificate: https://... created: 2024-03-18T16:04:27Z description: OK "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /database/create: post: tags: - Database summary: Create database description: Initiate the creation of a new database within a region of your preference, granting you the flexibility to tailor usage limits for the optimal balance between price and performance. This empowers you to fine-tune resource allocation, ensuring efficient utilization while maximizing the value derived from your database operations. operationId: database-create parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: region: type: integer description: Region ID to deploy new database in. max_reads: type: integer description: Limits the number of read operations per hour. max_writes: type: integer description: Limits the number of write operations per hour. max_conn: type: integer description: Limits the number of connections per hour. examples: create-small: summary: Create a small database on E11 value: region: 1101 max_reads: 100000 max_writes: 500 max_conn: 100 create-large: summary: Create a large database on E11 value: region: 1101 max_reads: 1000000000 max_writes: 10000000 max_conn: 200 responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: database: type: object description: Database object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the new database. user: type: string description: User to access the new database. password: type: string description: Password to access the new database. examples: example-1: summary: Basic information on new database value: database: name: zrh_cxxxxx_123456 user: zrh_cxxxxx_123456 pasword: zrh_d5fef23ea75cf403195753f100a86d27f6... description: OK "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1create/post/responses/402" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /database/update: patch: tags: - Database summary: Update database description: This function provides you with the capability to modify the limits of an existing database, empowering you to fine-tune resource allocation according to evolving requirements and optimize performance based on your specific needs. operationId: database-update parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: database_id: type: string description: ID or uuid of the database you wish to modify. max_reads: type: integer description: Limits the number of read operations per hour. max_writes: type: integer description: Limits the number of write operations per hour. max_conn: type: integer description: Limits the number of connections per hour. examples: update-db: summary: Update a database in E11 region value: database_id: e345066a-8dd4-4eea-bee1-fc522e98c64a max_reads: 1000000000 max_writes: 2000000 max_conn: 500 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1create/post/responses/402" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /database/remove: delete: tags: - Database summary: Remove database description: This function removes a database from the container cluster, halting billing immediately upon deletion. It ensures cost savings by ceasing charges for the removed database, offering flexibility and control over resource allocation within the containerized environment. operationId: database-remove parameters: - in: path name: database_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: Database `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_remove~1%7Btoken_id%7D/delete/responses/204" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /object/list: get: tags: - Object storage summary: List object storages description: This function provides a comprehensive list of all the object storage instances associated with your account. It offers an overview of your storage resources, facilitating efficient management and retrieval when needed. operationId: object-storage-list parameters: [] responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new volume name: type: string description: Name for the new volume size_gb: type: integer description: Volume size in gigabytes server_id: type: integer description: ID of the server the volume is attached to region_id: type: integer description: ID of the datacenter the volume is located in created: type: string description: Date created examples: example-1: summary: List of object storages value: objects: - uuid: e6b5fcba-d1d5-4373-86ff-942413d2051b region: "407" name: ob-storage-1 endpoint: access_key: RDdBNDM0MjY0NEY3QTUwNDY... secret_key: MjQzMjc5MjQzMTMwMjQ2RTUzNjM... size_gb: 250 created: 2021-12-26T14:47:39z - uuid: 7cf097fd-34ba-4ebf-8f05-612105680f82 region: "407" name: ob-storage-2 endpoint: access_key: QTQzNDI2NDRGN0E1MDQ2NzI... secret_key: MzQyNTA0NjcyNzA3MjQ1NDU2NjF... size_gb: 1000 created: 2021-12-26T14:47:39z description: OK "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /object/create: post: tags: - Object storage summary: Create object storage description: This action triggers the creation of a new object storage instance. This instance provides a platform for storing and managing objects, making it an essential component for handling large amounts of files in a fast, secure, and convenient manner. operationId: object-storage-create parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the new volume size_gb: type: integer description: Size in gigabytes region_id: type: integer description: The `id` of the region the volume will be created in examples: 100gb: summary: Create a 100GB volume in Frankfurt value: name: a-100gb-volume region: 310 size_gb: 100 5tb: summary: Create a 5TB volume in London value: name: a-5tb-volume region: 206 size_gb: 5000 responses: "201": description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new volume name: type: string description: Name for the new volume size_gb: type: integer description: Volume size in gigabytes server_id: type: integer description: ID of the server the volume is attached to (null after creation) region_id: type: integer description: ID of the datacenter the volume is located in created: type: string description: Date created examples: object-1: summary: Example volume value: uuid: 39343531-6231-4634-b733-393234323362 name: a-5tb-volume size_gb: 5000 server_id: 123456 region_id: 204 created: 2020-04-21T09:19:15Z "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1create/post/responses/402" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] "/object/remove/{object_id}": delete: tags: - Object storage summary: Remove object storage description: This function allows you to remove an object storage instance from your account. Please proceed with caution, as this action is irreversible and will permanently delete the specified storage including all buckets on the instance. operationId: object-storage-remove parameters: - in: path name: object_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: Object storage `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_remove~1%7Btoken_id%7D/delete/responses/204" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /volume/list: get: tags: - Block storage summary: List volumes description: This function provides a comprehensive list of all volumes owned by the account. It offers an overview of the storage resources associated with your account, allowing for efficient management and retrieval when needed. operationId: volume-list parameters: [] responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new volume name: type: string description: Name for the new volume size_gb: type: integer description: Volume size in gigabytes server_id: type: integer description: ID of the server the volume is attached to region_id: type: integer description: ID of the datacenter the volume is located in created: type: string description: Date created examples: example-1: summary: List of volumes value: volumes: - uuid: fc564f78-85ea-4dc3-856d-21d27ce7977c name: a-5tb-volume size_gb: 5000 server_id: 123456 region_id: 204 created: 2020-04-21T09:19:15Z - uuid: 8375ca48-9773-409f-a398-43eb98c2d052 name: a-100gb-volume size_gb: 100 server_id: null region_id: 310 created: 2020-04-21T09:19:15Z description: OK "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /volume/create: post: tags: - Block storage summary: Create volume description: This action allows you to generate a new NVMe/HDD volume with a specified size in gigabytes (GB) within the desired region. This provides you with additional storage resources tailored to your specific requirements. operationId: volume-create parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the new volume size_gb: type: integer description: Size in gigabytes region_id: type: integer description: The `id` of the region the volume will be created in examples: 100gb: summary: Create a 100GB volume in Frankfurt value: name: a-100gb-volume region: 310 size_gb: 100 5tb: summary: Create a 5TB volume in London value: name: a-5tb-volume region: 206 size_gb: 5000 responses: "201": description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: Unique `UUID` for the new volume name: type: string description: Name for the new volume size_gb: type: integer description: Volume size in gigabytes server_id: type: integer description: ID of the server the volume is attached to (null after creation) region_id: type: integer description: ID of the datacenter the volume is located in created: type: string description: Date created examples: object-1: summary: Example volume value: uuid: 39343531-6231-4634-b733-393234323362 name: a-5tb-volume size_gb: 5000 server_id: 123456 region_id: 204 created: 2020-04-21T09:19:15Z "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "402": $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1create/post/responses/402" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /volume/attach: patch: tags: - Block storage summary: Attach volume description: This function enables you to connect an existing volume to a server. It's important to note that both the server and the volume must be located within the same data center for this operation to succeed. operationId: volume-attach parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: Request with uuid value: volume_id: a10eded7-4993-4f12-9f89-31fed3cfadc2 server_id: 232a7c3a-adef-4e3a-a348-0735f74515da id: summary: Request with id value: volume_id: 123456 server_id: 654321 responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] /volume/detach: patch: tags: - Block storage summary: Detach Volume description: This action will detach an existing volume from the server to which it is currently attached. This allows you to manage and reassign storage resources as needed. operationId: volume-detach parameters: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/paths/~1snapshot~1restore/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/\ schema" examples: uuid: summary: using uuid value: volume_id: 34626233-3739-4637-b638-376532306637 server_id: 33333462-6165-4230-b363-356230383139 id: summary: using id value: volume_id: 123456 server_id: 654321 x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] responses: "202": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_rename/patch/responses/202" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" "/volume/remove/{volume_id}": delete: tags: - Block storage summary: Remove volume description: This function allows you to delete a volume. However, it's important to note that the volume must first be detached from any server before it can be removed. This precaution ensures that there are no active dependencies on the volume that could be disrupted by its deletion. operationId: volume-remove parameters: - in: path name: volume_id schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer required: true description: Volume `ID` or `uuid` to be removed responses: "204": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_remove~1%7Btoken_id%7D/delete/responses/204" "400": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/400" "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/401" "403": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/403" "404": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_create/post/responses/404" "405": $ref: "#/paths/~1account~1token_list/get/responses/405" x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - bearer: [] x-tagGroups: - name: Information tags: - Public - name: Account tags: - Management - SSH Keys - Billing - Token - name: Server tags: - Instance - Scaling - Action - Backup - Options - Reverse DNS - name: Container tags: - Database - name: Storage tags: - Snapshot - Block storage - Object storage - name: Network tags: - Floating IPs - VPCs tags: - name: Public description: >- These endpoints are accessible without the need for authentication. This allows users to retrieve information about regions, images, plans, specific features, availability, and status effortlessly. Within our system, regions, images, and plans are examples of objects categorized by unique numeric IDs. It is imperative to take note of these IDs, as they serve as crucial indicators of compatibility. - name: Management description: These functions allows you to oversee both your primary account and any associated sub-accounts. It also provides a view of their respective statuses and the enabled features. - name: SSH Keys description: You have the ability to incorporate SSH keys into your account. These keys can be automatically transferred to new instances during their initial deployment. It's important to note that modifying a key does not impact any currently operational instances; this change only applies to newly created deployments. However, if you choose to reinstall an instance, it will inherit the updated key. - name: Billing description: Access a comprehensive overview of your account's payment transactions, including details on taxes, fees, and a breakdown of billing information organized by resource. Additionally, if you opt not to use JavaScript, you have the option to load payment forms via API. This provides an alternative method for interacting with the payment system, particularly useful for those who prefer not to utilize the 99Stack Cloud control panel. - name: Token description: Account tokens serve as access credentials for the 99Stack Cloud API, allowing users to interact with it. You have the flexibility to generate multiple tokens, allocate specific permissions, and independently manage their expiration dates in accordance with your own security preferences. This empowers you to fine-tune access levels and enhance the overall security of your account. - name: Instance description: Our cloud instances are designed for swift deployment, allowing you to select your preferred operating system or even opt for pre-installed applications within a matter of seconds. High Frequency Compute instances are driven by high clock speed CPUs and feature NVMe local storage, ensuring optimal performance for even the most resource-intensive applications. This combination of cutting-edge hardware and rapid deployment capabilities empowers you to tackle demanding tasks with ease and efficiency. - name: Scaling description: This section enables you to view and request modifications to existing servers. You have the option to upgrade to a larger plan or change the operating system image according to your specific requirements. This provides flexibility and adaptability to meet evolving needs. - name: Action description: Server actions empower you to dispatch a range of commands to a server, including standard actions like `start` and `stop`. Additionally, there are more specialized troubleshooting actions available, such as `power_off` which performs a hard reboot, and `rescue` which boots your server into a rescue CD environment. These functionalities offer a versatile toolkit for managing and troubleshooting your server instances effectively. - name: Backup description: A backup is a pre-scheduled, automated snapshot taken at a specific point in time of an instance. Importantly, the instance remains operational and is not halted during the backup process. Restoring from a backup is akin to performing a reboot following a non-graceful restart, ensuring continuity of service while reverting to the saved state. - name: Options description: Server options provide a means to customize the configuration and behavior of server objects, particularly in specific scenarios or circumstances. This feature grants you greater control and adaptability over your server instances. - name: Reverse DNS description: Reverse DNS functionality allows you to set up PTR (Pointer) records, establishing a connection between a server's IP address and a corresponding domain name. This capability proves valuable for authentication purposes, especially when sending emails via SMTP or similar protocols. It ensures that your server's identity is properly validated in email communications. - name: Snapshot description: Snapshots represent preserved states of a server. To prevent issues arising from compressing filesystems, each snapshot is accompanied by a `min_disk_size` attribute. This attribute denotes the minimum required disk size for the server volume when generating a new resource based on the saved snapshot. This ensures a seamless and compatible transition when creating new resources from existing snapshots. - name: Block storage description: >- Block Storage Volumes offer additional storage capacity for your servers and can be seamlessly moved between servers within a specific region. These volumes function as raw block devices, presenting themselves to the operating system as locally attached storage. This allows them to be formatted using any file system supported by the OS. You can create volumes ranging in size from 10 GiB up to a substantial 16 TiB, though regional limitations do apply. Through requests made to the `/volumes` endpoint, you have the capability to perform a range of actions, including listing, creating, and deleting volumes, as well as attaching and detaching them from servers. This flexibility ensures that you can effectively manage your storage resources to suit your specific needs. - name: Object storage description: Object storage within our system is specifically tailored for compatibility with the S3 API, ensuring seamless integration with server instances optimized for storage. Objects uploaded to this storage can be accessed either privately or made publicly available on the web. The scalability of object storage is impressive, allowing for an extensive number of objects and buckets to be managed. You have full control over your object storage through the S3 API, providing a robust and versatile storage solution. - name: Database description: Containerized databases offer unparalleled scalability, allowing users to effortlessly adjust resources based on demand. With flexible pricing models, users pay only for the resources they consume, minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency. This approach ensures optimal resource utilization, enabling businesses to scale operations seamlessly while maintaining control over expenses. Additionally, containerized databases facilitate rapid deployment and resource allocation, supporting agile development and enhancing overall productivity. - name: Floating IPs description: >- Floating IPs are fixed, publicly accessible IP addresses that can be assigned to one of your servers. They serve a crucial role in creating highly available setups or other configurations that necessitate movable addresses. It's important to note that Floating IPs are associated with a specific region, and as such, they are subject to regional limitations. This feature provides a flexible and reliable means to manage and maintain your network configurations. - name: VPCs description: A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) empowers you to establish virtual networks, housing resources capable of seamless communication while maintaining complete isolation. This is facilitated through the utilization of private IP addresses, ensuring a secure and dedicated environment for your networked resources. components: securitySchemes: bearer: type: http scheme: bearer headers: Content-Type: description: Should be set to application/json schema: type: string Authorization: description: "Must contain the following: 'Bearer auth_token' where auth_token is one of your accounts authentication tokens" schema: type: string